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Project Architect


Welcome To Project Architect

The goal of this modpack is to make the process of starting to build much easier. With this modpack, you can invest less time mining and more time placing blocks. By using ProjectE, you can enjoy all the amazing building mods included in this pack! Playing this modpack will be just as much fun for you as it is for me! For those of you who have trouble playing modpacks without questing books, I have a let's play to guide you along. You can leave it to me to help you with that.

This pack is in its Release Stage!

ProjectE can be disabled if you do not wish to use it, which should not affect gameplay or progression.


This modpack was made by ChosenArchitect

Things to keep in mind:

If you find any bugs, make sure to report them using the Issue Tracker!
If you have any questions ask them on my Discord!

Check out my Let's Play: