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Oh The Biome's You'll Explore will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Explore Minecraft's 1.18 version across vast biomes in the Overworld, Nether, and the under rated End. Explore the different dungeons, and biomes across this vast world. Join our Discord if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Or join in if you just want to chat.


In this modpack, we have provided you, the player, with a load of different mods to keep everyone interested. Use "Botania" to help you fly across the end and discover the beautiful biomes. Use "Industrial Revolution" to help drain a nether lake of its lava to build yourself a epic fort inside of it. Relax in the over world and use "Applied Energetic" to help store all the different blocks, items, and armor added by these beautiful mods. Chat with your friends or the random people you run across in the world with "Simple Voice Chat". Or turn yourself into a witch with "Bewitchment" and curse your friends for taking those diamonds you've been saving for a rainy day.

This modpack has a mod for everyone regardless if you like to build mega structures, explore the vast Minecraft world, or sit at your base and automate everything just because you can!


Credit to the mods go to all the mod makers, I didn't make a single mod in this pack. Rather I brought them all together to share them with the community.


If you run into any issues with the modpack please leave a comment on the modpack page and/or leave a message in our discord. This modpack will be updated AT LEAST once per-week to make sure that all the mods are up to date.

Don't have a server to play on with your friends? Come play on the provided server!!!!