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Original FTB Lite 3
Lite 3 Reloaded is a 1.12.2 version of the 1.7.10 FTB Lite 3 Pack by Feed The Beast. It contains nearly all mods (or replacements) that were in the original pack. It is very lightweigth and should be playable on basically every computer. Because there aren't that many mods in the pack, it is also perfect for people who just started with modpacks and want to learn something about mods.
Install Optifine and enable Smart Animations in Options > Video Settings > Performance for a better performance.
Original FTB Lite 3 Mods (and Libs)
AutoPackagerBagginses Looking for a replacement
Custom Main Menu
Extra UtilitiesFastCraft Replaced by BetterFPS (and Optifine*)FlatSigns Replaced by MoarSigns
FTB Utilities
FTB LibraryGreenThumb Replaced by SimpleHarvest
InventoryTweaksJabba Replaced by YABBAMinefactory Reloaded Replaced by Industrial Foregoing + Industrial Meat
MorpheusNEI Addons Replaced by multiple JEI AddonsNot Enough Items Replaced by Just Enough Items + More OverlaysNot Enough Keys ObsidiPlates Replaced by Player Plates (Forge)Opis
Pressure Pipes
Progressive Automation
Redstone Arsenal
Resource LoaderSimply Jetpacks Replaced by Simply Jetpacks 2
Solar Flux
Storage DrawersSuper Crafting Frame Replaced by Modular Item Frame
Thermal Dynamics
Thermal Expansion
Thermal FoundationTorchTools Looking for a replacementWaila Replaced by HWYLA
Waila Harvestability
CoFHCoreD3CoreForge Multi PartINpureCpreMobiusCore
*Optifine is not included and needs to be downloaded separately (see above).
New Mods (and Libs)
Nature's Compass (A compass pointing to various biomes)
Storage Drawers Unlimited (Traverse wood Storage Drawers)
Thermal Cultivation (Addon for Thermal Series)
Thermal Innovation (Addon for Thermal Series)
Traverse (Vanilla styled biomes for a little bit diversity)
Shadowfacts' Forgelin
Tesla Core Lib