Kaleidio's Battle Pack will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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Download App NowDescription
Experience Minecraft as a Sandbox Shooter, gathering together mechanics from across the genre into a create-a-kill modpack!

Level-up yourself with powerful tools, enchantments, and most importantly, GUNS!! Experiment with your own loadouts and unleash devastating, creative, rewarding tactical combos!
Collect fast and fight faster with quick and easy improvements to crafting and farming; get all your ammo to you how you want!
Make drones, turrets, and super powerful dogs to help out in the fight, and slay the hordes!
Take down extreme bosses by giving yourself any tactical advantages you can dream up!
Explore perilous structures and biomes with simple extensions to vanilla's parkour!
Make your own maps and battle with your friends by installing your own servers!


Complementary Reimagined (high end)
AstraLEX (retro mode)
TEA (vanilla enhancement)

CombatLog Prevention (found here)
Kubek - Summer/Swamp/Mountain Villages (found here) (and here) (and also here)
Experience it all on VR and Steam Deck with just a couple install steps each!
Optifine 1.16.5 G8 is compatible
Optimized and automatically set for play at 10 chunk distance.
Recommended Spec: Nvidia GTX 970 (AMD rx470) or higher GPU to achieve playable frames (30 to 60+ fps) with BSL.
Optimized and automatically set for play at 10 chunk distance.
Recommended Spec: Nvidia GTX 970 (AMD rx470) or higher GPU to achieve playable frames (30 to 60+ fps) with BSL.
Minimum Spec: Nvidia GTX 570 for 30-60fps with Optifine's vanilla rendering
Current expected performance across the board should be just around half of what vanilla gives you on the same machine.
Allocate about 4 GB of RAM to avoid eventual memory related hitches or crashes.