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Have you ever felt like every server you join dies within a month or two? Not enough content? Well, you are at the right place. 

Helios is a modpack/server that uses both mods and plugins to maximize the potential Minecraft has to offer.

Furthermore, the server works on a roleplay-based Age Progression system, where every Age influences the style of gameplay, the technology available, and the environment. These Ages can come and go depending on how influential they are. But don't worry, these Ages don't fully reset everything you have done. We use a "soft reset" system. How hard or soft a reset is purely depends on the specific age and its features. With this, you can rest easy as you will never lose all your progress (or at least for a long time). 

These Ages (and as such the modpack) start from basic vanilla, all the way to space travel. And yes, players can influence how these Ages take place. (Eg: Don't like something? Suggest to change it.) Since the server will start soon for the first time, the first Age is based on vanilla+ content. Next Ages will focus on more advanced civilizations and Industrialization (Create Mod), but this is up for debate.

The goal of the server is player engagement. Build Towns and Nations and survive with your friends among the changes and challenges the new Ages (or other Players) may bring your way: 

  • Control resources.
  • Create your Government or partake in one.
  • Survive the wrath of the Gods.
  • Build amazing architecture and/or infrastructure.
  • Or... just chill. That's also an option.

To find out more information (including how to join the server) join our discord here: (No IP required. Recommended 4GB RAM allocated.)

Political Map of the World showing Nation borders.