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Generations is a massive sidemod crafted for Cobblemon. Seamlessly integrating with Cobblemon, we enhance your experience by replacing blocky models with high-definition, game-like Pokemon models giving you the similar vibes you’re used to experiencing from other Pokemon Mods. But that's not all – we also have thousands of additional blocks, items, and features such as summoning legendaries, the entire PokeDex, music, and so much more. We’re an open-source mod, compatible with both Forge and Fabric. For a smooth start, check out the 'How to Play' section towards the end for guidance on how to start playing!

Pokemon Models

Preview of models in-game

Dive into the world of Pokemon in Minecraft and enjoy high-poly Pokemon models. Our dedicated team has spent over 2 years developing a custom rendering engine called RareCandy from scratch to ensure smooth gameplay that hooks in seamlessly to Cobblemon. Explore the game with fully animated models, including idle, walk, run/fly, attack, sleeping, roar, fainting, and happy animations!

Preview of Animations

Expanded PokeDex

Unlock the vast world of Pokemon with Generations, seamlessly integrating the complete PokeDex into Cobblemon, Generation 1 all the way through Generation 9. How does it work? Cobblemon already contains the essential files and species data for the entire PokeDex, so all we do is enable them, create spawn data, and bam. Magic!

Immersive Worlds

Preview of structures

Play alongside with our Generations Structures mod and immerse yourself in an enriched gameplay experience as we introduce over 50 carefully crafted structures that naturally populate your worlds. Explore freely, gather valuable loot, repurpose structures into homes, and even summon legendary Pokemon from an extensive array of unique structures scattered across diverse biomes. Elevate your adventure with the vibrant and dynamic landscapes awaiting your exploration.

Too Many Items

Preview of our items and blocks

Wishing a Held Item was in Cobblemon? No worries. We added every held item Cobblemon is missing. Plus, we've thrown in all the quirky items, like the Basement Key, which you can creatively repurpose for your map-making projects. Dive into a world of endless possibilities with Generations!

Builders Paradise

Preview of some blocks

For all you avid builders out there, we've got an absolute treat in store for you! Feast your eyes on an extensive range of building blocks, including Castle blocks, various colored Castle blocks, Chargestone Cave blocks, PokeCenter blocks, Invisible blocks, and the list just keeps on growing. We added over 1,000 blocks! The possibilities are endless with our diverse selection of blocks


Preview of music

We're thrilled to collaborate with GlitchXCity to bring you her brilliant Pokemon remixes in Generations! Get ready to immerse yourself in the nostalgia with 33 tracks from a variety of game generations, featuring at least one from each. Whether you're in the mood for the classic beats of Pokemon Red or vibes from modern gems in Scarlet & Violet, we've got you covered. Enjoy ambient tracks as you explore and dynamic battle tracks that accompany you on your journey to Catch 'Em All.

Summon Legendaries

Preview of shrines

Unearth the secrets hidden in your exploration as you stumble upon shrines dedicated to Legendary Pokemon within some structures! In Generations, embark on mini quests to summon over 60 Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. From fishing in a lake with a Ruby Rod to exploring new biomes for Enigma Fragments, or even crafting and assembling a Prison Bottle with Hoopa Rings – the adventure is limitless. Alternatively, set out far and wide across various biomes to discover Legendary and Mythical Pokemon casually hanging out with their Pokemon companions. The thrill of encountering these rare creatures awaits you!

Upcoming Features

The following are just some of our planned features, with some coming as soon as next update! Join our Discord following the links below, we host community polls to decide what features we should focus on

  • Breeding
  • Ultra Space
  • Battle Evolutions
  • Revamped UIs
  • Raids, Outbreaks, Distortions
  • & More! —

How to Play

If you're new to modding, we highly recommend you use our modpack. Modpacks are typically one-click installers to get you started instantly, simply download the CurseForge App and search Generations and hit install!

Otherwise if you prefer a manual installation, download all of the dependencies listed on this page and place them into your mods folder alongside the Generations jar. We highly advise you to refer to our Installation Guide on our wiki for up-to-date information.

No configs necessary, but if you wish to customize your gameplay please refer to our wiki on what all our various config settings do.

About Us

We're a team known previously as the Pixelmon Generations mod on 1.12.2 with millions upon millions of downloads over the span of 6+ years of development, Generations (now with a shortened name and rebrand) aims to add all features from the classic Pixelmon Generations mod you're familiar with into Generations for modern Minecraft and Cobblemon.

Check out our wiki for more features and guides- there's just too many to list here! Just as with our source code, you can even create an account and edit/create wiki pages and guides on our website. Our whole project is by the players, for the players. Welcome to Generations and we hope you have fun!

Yes, you can include us in your modpacks. We recommend joining our Discord and advertising your modpacks in our modpack channel for greater visibility!




Modpacks: Forge / Fabric

Our Mods: Generations Core / Generations Structures

Source Code: