
Forever Stranded Lost Souls will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Welcome to Forever Stranded Lost Souls


Feeling cocky in this part of the galaxy will end up getting you killed. After escaping the treacherous heat of the vast desert planet on your last adventure, you got the ship up and running again. While using the hyperdrive to venture into uncharted space, you thought all was fine and dandy until… sirens shot off, piercing your brain like a sharp dagger. You stumbled over to the control panel to find out what the issue was and noticed that the damn hyperdrive had went into meltdown. With wrench in hand, you rush over to the hyperdrive core and try to fix any part of it that you can, but you are too late. The ship shook violently, causing all sorts of mechanical problems. With no hope left, your survival instincts had kicked in and urged you to try and use the working engine power to thrust your way out. The engines roared and threw the ship off course, plummeting the vessel out of hyperspace and into a blackhole. With low engine power and time needed to fix the hyperdrive, you had given up and let the abyss of the black hole determine your fate, thus, turning on the autopilot while you continued to tinker with the hyperdrive. The ship began shaking violently once more, throwing your body into the ceiling, knocking you out cold. Luckily, the auto pilot had done it's job and managed to land the ship safely on a nearby world. You rise from your slumber to the smell of foreign burning gasses, the sounds of faint screams, and the concept that you are in hell. Stepping out of your ship, you look around you and notice that you are not quite in hell, but you might as well be. It might be a good time to hang up the keys to flying ships and work on getting a proper piloting license, because you are apparently the worse pilot in the galaxy




Learn to survive out of your comfort zone. Enemy's don't want you in there world

an will do anything to get you

Build up from nothing to tech an magic while defending against the monster hoards

Many recipes have been changed there is a quest book to guide through them

skills are required to use some items an tools. Spend your XP wisely 


Running a server on Akliz follow this

Server properties

Allow flight: true

level-type: BIOMESOP


Initial installation: Akliz installer installs the provided world into the world-new folder. To use the world, rename the folder to world. Each time you reinstall or update the game, Akliz installer will replace world-new. Therefore, do not set level-name in server.properties to world-new.



My Twitter: https://twitter.com/GWSheridan


Use #FSLostSouls on twitter


Dont Join chat just to ask for a server or server files

Quick answers for small bugs to twitch chat only 

discord is my follower zone

Discord Chat: https://discord.gg/0rXhR3z16wHPEfbt

Twitch Chat Server: https://curse.com/invite/3baTAChpCkWGgMyGkaYjtQ





Terrails Made Nether Utils that really helped out this pack

The_Grumpy_Brit made the map for the pack 


Pack intro description by



Special Thanks to the Alpha testers

Medina: Quest spelling checker

TheGhost, Duncan, Hozer, Ses_chaser, Kinda Googly, Duke, Ropie, xPhar, Wyndman

SeanWcom, Sk1llcrafted, minichibi, MajesticWolfy, JKlasson


Thank you to the streamers








Thank you to the Youtubers


Vallen & Kashcah





Stomp The Bean

AgentJ MiB



Note this pack will need 4GB of RAM or Higher


Mod List