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First Mole on the Moon

Do you feel that there is not enough incentive to travel to the Moon and other planets in Galacticraft? In the First Mole on the Moon modpack you will need to explore space in order to unlock advanced technologies such as ME Networks, Fission Reactors and Stargates.

This modpack aims to offer a balanced experience for those wishing to explore outer space and therefore does not include any mods that feel too overpowered and would spoil the challenge. Each mod has also been carefully configured in order to work as well as possible with each other to create a seamless experience.


There are three custom Jetpacks which are invaluable in getting around throughout the Solar System. The Tier 1 Jetpack can be crafted using materials found in the Overworld, however you will have to venture to the Moon in order to make the Tier 2 Jetpack and to Mars for the Tier 3 Jetpack. They are expensive pieces of kit, but well worth the cost as nothing can beat strapping a rocket to your back and taking to the skies!


It is also possible to design your own vehicles with Davinci's Vessels. Don't forget to take advantage of Sealable Pipes and Wires which behave like Sticky Buffers. This means that they will be part of your ship, but won't stick to other pipes and wires allowing your ships to disconnect and connect when assembling and disassembling.


Note that Applied Energistics Meteorites and (Charged) Certus Quartz Ore only generate on the Moon, so you will have to make do with Buildcraft Pipes before you can upgrade to the next level of storage and automation. You might also want to visit Mars in order to build a Nuclearcraft Fission Reactor capable of sustaining a power-hungry ME Network.


Getting tired of rockets? Travel to the Asteroids dimension where you can mine for Titanium which is used to craft futuristic Stargates. Don't forget to bring along Stargate Core Crystals which can be found in Dungeons on the Moon and Stargate Core Crystals which can be found in Dungeons on Mars. You will have to brave the Dungeons on Venus if you want to upgrade your Stargates with Pegasus Type Upgrade Crystals to make your Stargates faster and much cooler-looking.


Water does not behave like normal in this modpack as small infinite water sources have been removed, but larger bodies of water do still act as infinite water sources. You might need to find alternative sources of water when you are in space and water is much more precious, or simply bring plenty in the rocket with you.



Galacticraft Wiki -

Buildcraft Wiki -

Applied Energistics 2 Wiki -

The MindCrafters Applied Energistics 2 Guide -



  • micdoodle8, radfast and the rest of the Galacticraft team for making such a great mod.
  • Razzokk for making a very stable wireless redstone mod that still works on Davinci's Vessels after moving them.