
Exploit 2 will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Welcome to Exploit 2


Expect Frequent changes to this pack 


Trying to keep all mods in the pack default as possible.

There are plenty of mods to explore an use to your advantage with the pack

Only ore an world gen items have been changed to cut down on world load an FPS


The pack is designed to showcase some mods that are available for

minecraft 1.19.2 large kitchen sink pack for any players needs


Some of the mods are fan favorites an some you may of never seen

From tech to magic an even overpowered mods even the little tweak mods


There will be quests added to future updates to guide people that are not use to modded MC


Suggestions are very welcome to make the pack more fun an user friendly 


Start a default world an lets get playing. Hope you have fun 





MY Twitter: https://twitter.com/GWSheridan


Dont Join chat just to ask for a server or server files

Quick answers for small bugs to curse only 

Discord Chat: https://discord.gg/0rXhR3z16wHPEfbt




Mod List (this will change through updates)