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This modpack includes a roll-up of a pokemon like features and creatures, inclduing additional  imagined pokemon not found in typical pokemon games or mods.

Inlcudes: over 1000 mobs of pokemon types, inlcuding megaevolved pokemon, pokemon from eggs and allow pokemon to have eggs.

This includes the following mods all wrapped into one experience:

  • Cobblemon (The base pokemon experience)
  • Ascension Megamons (Cobblemon adds megevolution pokemon), 
  • Cobblemon Move Inspector,
  • Cobblemon Pokedex (Cobbledex),
  • Gravel's Extended Battles, 
  • Cobblemon Alatia's Fakemon Pack (Adds new imagined variety of pokemon), and
  • VaryScuffedCobblemonBreeding (Adds Pokemon Breeding)
  • Xaero's World Map (Adds World Map)
  • Xaero's Minimap (Adds Minimap)



This Is A Cobblemon Modpack With New Pokemon And Features To Discover.


 All Mods And Resource Packs In This Modpack Are Addons For Cobblemon And Cobblemon Itself.


Features: Pokemon, Megas, Pokedex/CobbledexNew Pokemon/Fakemon, Breeding.


Mods: Ascension Megamons (Cobblemon), Cobblemon, Cobblemon Move Inspector, Cobblemon Pokedex (Cobbledex), Gravel's Extended Battles, Cobblemon Alatia's Fakemon Pack, VaryScuffedCobblemonBreeding.


Compatible Data Packs: CobbleCats, Cobblemon: Legends Untold, Cobblemon Shiny Effects, Cobblemon Stellar Blue.