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The Boundless & Untold experience is a modpack with over 250 mods, 10+ resource/data packs and a couple of shaders all at your disposal.


B&U is a refreshing yet simple selection of both classic and new mods to revamp Minecraft's core mechanics into a more developed and expansive adventure sandbox game.


With major mods including..
  • 🧅 Farmer's Delight & Croptopia - including various add-ons
    • Expanding foodstuffs and adding an extra level of food preparation to the game
  • ⚙️Create - including lots of additional add-on mods
    • Diving deep into the mechanical and engineering world with almost endless machine and automation possibilities
  • 🐻Alex's Mobs, Naturalist & Recrafted Creatures
    • Adding lots of new yet familiar mobs to encounter on your journeys, as well as some original creatures
  • 🎒Sophisticated Backpacks
    • To aid in carrying many new items, blocks and materials you will stumble across
  • 🧱Stoneworks, Chipped & Built
    • Helping you build awesome new builds with a massive catalogue of new blocks and variants
  • 🦜Macaw's Mods & MrCrayfish's Furniture
    • Adding plenty of new decorative and cosmetic blocks to update your base and make it feel like home
  • And many, many more miscellaneous addition, improvement, tweak & inventory management mods to improve your gaming experience!


Essentially, this pack takes all of the main features of Minecraft at its base and grants new additions in almost all areas to give you a limitless experience. It accomplishes this whilst not compromising the player's experience with any unnecessarily difficult mods or cramping the game with way too much stuff


The world is yours!