All the Mods 3: Lite - ATM3L will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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About the Pack
With the increasing number of mods being added each day to the ATM3 modpack we are proud to
announce the Lite version!
Intended to be a lighter version of the ATM3 pack in the same way that the ATM: Lite modpack for 1.10.2 was created, this modpack is designed not only to be resource friendly, but also add a good bit of balance to a modpack that has many mods than many would consider unbalanced.
Be assured that ongoing R&D and feedback from the player group will shape this pack and refine it over the short term.
The Intial Version has been designed to run on just 4GB of ram. In your profile options. Set the Memory Settings to a Minimum of 4096MB
Stay tuned for updates!