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The Allegorical Build, a Forge-based modpack by Concordia University's TAG Minecraft Bloc, originated as an experiment in using a modded Minecraft server as a university classroom and experiential laboratory. Through gameplay juxtaposed with course readings, students explore allegorical relationships between modernity and Minecraft.
The Classic Edition is the original iteration of the project. Given substantial chances introduced with the now-active second version, and the need for simplicity and ease of use with audiences unfamiliar with modded Minecraft, we have separated out this prior version into its own project.
Core Design
We attempt to strike a balance between...
1. A feature-rich environment in which players can explore multiple progression systems and approach tasks in multiple ways.
2. Keeping the pack as light-weight as possible so that it can run on the less-powerful hardware that many students have.
The pack was originally used, and intended, for players ranging from experienced Minecraft veterans to total newbies - including people who are not habitual gamers and do not possess high-end gaming computers. Additionally, mods were chosen to make things interesting enough for experienced players without completely overwhelming the newcomers.
Three mods featuring complex progression systems, automation, and high-power end-game production options, form the backbone of The Allegorical Build:
- Immersive Engineering (with Immersive Petroleum and Immersive Posts)
- Nature's Aura (with Auraddons)
- Productive Bees
This particular blend was chosen to cover the two thematic antipodes of industrial tech and magic (the bees are somewhere in between).
A couple of other mods are added to provide a bit of extra mystery and discovery to the mix - principally, Rocket Squids and our own experimental WIP mod, Moloch the Consumer - a demonic machine that periodically demands offerings from players, consumes them, and rewards or punishes accordingly. (Currently, Moloch must be placed and managed by server admins, using commands to edit its NBT, plan its demands, and script rewards or punishments - see the GitHub page for detailed usage information).
Building Extras
We include a few additional mods to increase the range of architecture and decor that players can experiment with.
- Quark, with its marble and other additional types of rock
- Sweet Concrete - because concrete is the soul of modernity
- Extended Lights and Neon Craft - because artificial lighting is... also the soul of modernity
Infrastructure and Logistics
- Storage Drawers + Drawers Tooltip, because you'll need it for all the stuff you'll produce/accrue
- Packing Tape
- Curios / Curious Shulker Boxes
- Snail Mail
- Areas, allowing student teams to mark regions where they are building
Documentary Tools
A blend of tools to facilitate recording and documenting gameplay/builds for posterity. These can be used for various purposes by students, teachers, and support staff.
- Quark for its enhanced screenshot-taking interface
- Camera Mod for an immersive means of taking photographs and displaying them in-game
- CMDCam for documentary videographers
QoL - GUI enhancements
- JEI + addons
- Better Advancements
- Crafting Tweaks
- Light Overlay
- Xaero Minimap/World Map
- Loading screen Tips
- When Was That Again
- Controlling - easier client-side keymapping tool
- Inventory Tweaks Renewed - inventory auto-sorting
- Quark, of course, offers various GUI tweaks as well
- HWYLA - so players can sort out what all these new modded blocks are
QoL - In-game tweaks
- Deadly End Phantoms - because the normal insomnia mechanic was too disruptive for the class, but we wanted membranes to be available
- GraveStone - making death a bit less punishing
- Crafting Station - more convenient crafting
- Save Your Pets - because players were reluctant to use pets at all since they died too easily
- Fast Leaf Decay