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Zoesteria 2 is a data-driven rewrite of my old Zoesteria mod, with all biomes getting a major revamp!

The mod features its own data/config system for biomes, surface builders, placing biomes in the world, and tweaking existing biomes. Disclaimer: not all biomes have been ported yet.

For a list of biomes, see the wiki.

FAQ (Outdated)

Q: When will this get ported to (Latest Version)?

A: I've decided to merge the content of this mod into another one of my upcoming mods, so no but technically maybe.

Q: Will you add nether/end biomes?

A: No, as that is out of scope of the mod. However, I may make the config system able to add biomes to the nether/end in the far future.

Q: Will this get ported to fabric?

A: As much as love fabric, I do not have any plans to port this mod to fabric. The licence permits that you may do this yourself, however.

Q: Why didn't you use mojang's JSON system?

A: A few reasons. Firstly, the JSON system didn't exist when I started the mod (and doesn't exist on 1.15 anyway). Secondly, I don't like JSON and find it to be inadequate as a configuration format or user-interfacing data format. Finally, it is more limited than I would like. My config system handles many things vanilla's json datapack system doesn't, including adding biomes to world gen, surface builders, and adding decorations to biomes or biome categories without rewriting the whole biome json.

Q: 1.12.2 when?

A: The original Zoesteria was on 1.12. I recommend you use that, as I have no plans on backporting this mod.

Please don't rehost this mod outside of curseforge for monetary gain through advertising/etc. I'm looking at you, 9m*******t. (Modpacks are fine though of course).