YUNG's API (Fabric) will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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This is a library mod for some of YUNG's Fabric mods. It's basically a collection of shared utility functions and data abstractions.It is required for all YUNG mods on Minecraft 1.16.5+. Check out my CurseForge profile to see all my mods!
For all you mod devs out there - This provides a lot of useful stuff, especially if you're a worldgen modder!
The API includes the following:
- AutoRegistration system (1.18+ only). Register any field with only a simple annotation, regardless of mod loader!
- Custom reimplementation of Jigsaw Manager with improved performance and custom pool element types with various new properties. Check out the Better Dungeons code to see it in action.
- New criteria trigger for safely locating any structure. If the given structure doesn't exist, the trigger simply fails rather than instantly passing (unlike vanilla).
- Interfaces for JSON serialization & deserialization with built-in type adapters.
- Simple, lightweight math utilities for vectors and column positions
- BlockStateRandomizer and ItemRandomizer, data abstractions that make adding block and item randomization to your structures incredibly simple. I use these for all of my mods!
If you're curious, you can check the code for my mods (especially the newer ones) to see how things work. Feel free to ask me any questions on Discord!