Your options shall be respected, brought to you by the "Association for Options Rights" gang.
This mod has one simple function, to provide default options if the corresponding option file doesn't exist.
Example 1 (options.txt)
- Create /config/yosbr/options.txt
- Put default content in it
- Launch game! YOSBR will copy /config/yosbr/options.txt into /options.txt if it doesn't exist
Example 2 (config/roughlyenoughitems/config.json5)
- Create /config/yosbr/config/roughlyenoughitems/config.json5
- Put default content in it
- Launch game! YOSBR will copy /config/yosbr/config/roughlyenoughitems/config.json5 into /config/roughlyenoughitems/config.json5 if it doesn't exist
Requires Fabric Loader. (API not required)