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XP Crafting Table


This mod adds only 1 item, the XP Crafting Table.  It does not have a crafting recipe nor does it add any recipes of it's own as it's meant to be configured by modpack developers.  The  2 recipe serializers this mod uses are `xpcraftingtable:shaped` and `xpcraftingtable:shapeless` which are identical to their vanilla counterparts with the addition of 1 parameter, xp.


The xp parameter controls how many xp points will be taken from the player per craft of a recipe, if the player doesn't have enough, the item will still be displayed, but it can't be taken.


Example recipe : Transmute 1 iron ingot to 1 gold ingot for the cost of 5 xp

  "type": "xpcraftingtable:shapeless",
  "ingredients": [
      "item": "minecraft:iron_ingot"
  "xp" : 5,
  "result": {
    "item": "minecraft:gold_ingot"




Includes REI Support as well


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