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What does this mod do?
It causes spiders to create webs at the feet of players (or other things) that they attack. This makes spiders a little bit more dangerous, since it's harder to run away from them, and it also makes webs a renewable resource.
How do I use this mod?
You need Minecraft Forge installed first. Once that's done, just drop webshooter-version.jar in your Minecraft instance's mods/ directory. Optionally, you can configure it to taste (see below).
What settings does this mod have?
You can configure the chance that each attack creates a web, from 0.0 (effectively disabling the mod), to 1.0 (every attack generates a web when possible). The default is 0.15. Also, you can configure whether replaceable blocks (like snow) can be overwritten with webs.
Can I use this in my modpack?
Yes, even if you monetize it with adf.ly or something, and you don't need to ask me for my permission first.