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An addon for the Watchdog Anti Cheat mod to force players to use specific mods that pack creators want the players to join the server with. This mod is for the mod pack creators that do not want others joining with any other mods or removing mods from the pack to join their official server or other public servers with mods that are required to join the server.
NOTE: This mod requires the WatchDog AntiCheat and HotLib mods to work! (The links are inserted if your click on the name)
Instructions: All you need to do is go to the config folder and find the WatchDogForce folder and open the WatchDog Force-Server.cfg file. Then enable the WatchDog Force mod by setting the option to true and then set up your mod pack to all the mods you want the players to be joining the server with and get the hashmaps/md5 list from the WatchDog folder in the LoadedMods_FromLastStart file and copy the list and then paste that list in the WatchDog Force config in the forcedMods option. Then you should be all set!
Permission: You have to right to use this in your mod pack for public and private use!