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This lightweight mod is meant to subtly expand on the gameplay and features of vanilla Minecraft without making it feel like there is a mod installed. It is meant to fill in the areas of the game Mojang left empty or unfinished, like more wood variants for wooden blocks and items or highly requested simple features by players.


- Ladder variants for every Wood type + Iron:

- Stick variants for every Wood type + Iron:

They're crafted from the respective wood types' planks or dropped from the respective wood types' leaves

- Nether Brick Fence Gate:


- Iron Bar:

Crafted in a similar way to sticks with planks.

- New Iron Bars Recipe:

Iron Bars Block is now crafted with Iron Bars (Same cost).

- Fences, Fence Gates, & Signs:

Fences, Fence Gates, and Signs now require the respective Sticks for the wood type.

Nether Brick Fence Gate:

Nether Brick Fence Gates are crafted in a similar way to Wooden Fence Gates, but with Nether Brick materials.