

 Minecraft Forge is required.

Using with Patchouli is recommended since 1.19.2-5.2.0.

 This mod adds a lot of japanese blocks, items, entities, and so on.

To get more information about this mod, go to other links below.


Other Links about Urushi MOD ↓ ↓

Minecraft Japan Forum (日本語/Japanese)

Minecraft Japan Wiki (日本語/Japanese)

MC百科 (中文/Chinese)

GitHub (for 1.18.2)

GitHub (for 1.16.5)

GitHub (for 1.12.2)

Author's Twitter (日本語/Japanese)





Slide Doors



connectable blocks



gate for Kakuriyo dimension


  Cultivate rice plant on Paddy Field!


  Cultivate Japanese Timber Bamboo!

Cook rice on a Dirt Furnace!


cave in Kakuriyo dimension