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Mod developement is temporarily on hold. But it won't last forever.
Are you bored with vanilla minecraft survival?
With T2S you can enchance it extremely by adding special stats like Stamina, Exhaustion, Stress and more.
Sleeping is now required and even your sleep lenght can influence your survival. You can DIE out of Exhaustion.
Hunger bar is depleted with time now (shouldn't mess with other mods that causes it to decrease).
You also have to mind, that you can be infected by diseases, those of Temporary effects and Long-term effect.
Some of the diseases are even permanent, and you can even start with some of them (don't you want to be affraid of the darkness?)
You can also be affected by Temperature, and I guarantee that it's one of the most advanced temperature systems in minecraft modding community, as it is divided by Sensed and Body Temperature.
If you think this is a lot, you can access guide GUI in game by pressing "J" and learn it step by step in game. But learning about Stats before playing is crucial, as neglection can kill you!
Doing a lot of physically exhausting exercises like jumping, attacking, sprinting and mining influences your current energy - Stamina, causing it to decrease.
Low Stamina causes the Out of Stamina effect to occur, making any actions harder to perform.
But don't worry, Stamina regenerates itself over short time of not performing any action - heavily affected by Panting, that disables Stamina regeneration.
Stamina usage can be decreased by Energy Shot potion effect, made from Bitter Ginseng.
Your physical prowess is counted by Athletic.
You can progress Athletic in a lot of ways by jumping, attacking, mining and sprinting. But you have to remember, that you can't abuse only one action type, because every action type is less impactful if used a lot to progress.
Athletic increase maximum Stamina capacity and slightly decrease Encumberance and heavily decrease Stamina usage.
Sprinting can make your breathing improve, and your breathing abilities are counted by Cardio, progressive ability to decrease Panting and Stamina usage while Sprinting.
You can progress it faster with higher Encumberance.
Progressing Cardio to maximum value will take 40+ in real life hours.
Everytime you do anything physically exhausting, Panting will be applied.
Panting is a short countdown that disables your Stamina from regenerating.
Holding your items in hand or wearing armor can slow you down and increase your Stamina usage and Cardio progression. This is counted by Encumberance.
Encumberance can be affected by Slow Falling, Strenght and Weakness effects or by enchantments like Feather Falling.
Athletic progression also affect your Encumberance.
Your energy is drained every second from you, very slowly causing your death. This is counted by Exhaustion.
Resting will Exhaustion and Resting value will affect it's progression and it is also increased in the night time.
Exhaustion affect everything there is, from Stamina to Immunity, so it is the most important stat there is.
Everything that you would imagine to be scary like monsters and darkness, it all will increase your stress level, causing Stress to progress.
Stress impacts Exhaustion and Resting, and can be used to your advantage, decreasing Stamina usage, but causing your Exhaustion to progress rapidly. It also causes Dread effect to appear.
Low light level, night sky, Rabies and staying near monsters will increase Stress, although you can get used to the night.
Warden causes a lot of Stress and having low health causes your Stress regeneration to be disabled.
All phobias causes your Stress to progress rapidly under their specific conditions.
Stress can be decreased by Tranquility potion effect, gained from Teal Lemon Balm craftings.
Your internal mechanism defending you from external and internal conditions like diseases is called Immunity.
Immunity decrease progression of all the diseases but is also affected by all of the diseases and by Stress, Exhaustion and Resting.
You can increase your Immunity with Immunized potion effect by drinking Gold Onion Mixture.
Sensed Temperature:
Your external environment like biome temperature, weather conditions and nearby heat sources will have an effects on you, same as Armor Value, Armor Type (leather), Armor Enchantments. Those effects are counted by Sensed Temperature.
Pleasant Heat is a great way to increase Sensed Temperature.
Diseases like Hypothermia will decrease your Sensed Temperature.
Sensed Temperature has only one job - to decrease or increase Body Temperature over time.
Body Temperature:
Your body can be affected by Sensed Temperature, and the statistic that measures it is called Body Temperature.
Unlike Sensed Temperature, it changes its value progressively.
Body Temperature can cause diseases like Cold, Flu and Hypothermia or just affect other stats like Stamina.
Food Depletion:
With time your Hunger Bar is slowly depleted, which is caused by Food Depletion.
It can be influenced by Enteritis, Stomach Ucler and Crohn's Disease.
Food Depletion effects are multiplied by Calorie Loss.
Temporary Diseases:
Not being careful about your Body or Sensed Temperature and staying under the rain can cause Flu to happen. Flu level ups by the same conditions.
Being nearby villagers or other players can also cause Flu.
It causes slight weakness, increasing Stamina usage and Exhausting you slightly faster (disabled by Golden Apples).
Sleeping with at least moderate Sensed and Body Temperature can affect your Flu, giving you higher chance of you Flu to level down and decreasing it's duration if you cared for it well.
Immunized can improve you Flu status, and Immunized can be obtained from Gold Onion Mixture, that you can purchase from Journeyman Farmer.
Low Body Temperature could harm your body causing Cold. Lower the temperature is, higher the progression of Cold is.
While under it's effect your Panting is increased significantly and Stamina usage is slghtly increased.
You feeling cold also causes lowered Sensed Temperature, although you can feel warmer after eating Golden Apples.
Level 4 Cold will cause Hypothermia, a disease that can be deadly, so this disease is nothing to trifle with.
Maintaining high Sensed and Body Temperature can cure Cold, so staying near campfires and being under Pleasant Heat can really help you getting rid of it.
When you feel like a furnace inside, it probably means that you are under Fever.
Fever is caused by other diseases like Enteritis, Encephalitis, Flu, Measles and Rabies.
Enteritis and Encephalitis rapidly progress Fever when applied, to the point that is appears instantly.
Fever greatly affect Stamina usage and with level 5 or more it will ultimately cause your death.
To decrease effects of Fever on your Stamina, you have to consume Golden Apple.
To cure your Fever you have to keep high Sensed Temperature around you. Resting also decrease Fever levels, but you have to remember about warm surroundings to keep your Sensed Temperature high.
Being bitten by wild or visibly rabied animal can cause Rabies after some incubation time.
Rabies is very dangerous disease, causing Brain Damage, increasing Panting and even causing shivering.
Causes fear of the light above 14 light level and fear of the water at Rabies level 2, causing Stress to progress.
Random arm swings appears above level 3.
Level 5 is uncurable and will cause death.
The only way to cure Rabies is to consume Golden Apple.
Sometimes there is a randomly happening season of a very contagious disease called Measles.
Each time getting Measles is harder because of you body getting immunity to it.
Being under high light level causes decreased Immunity and can cause it to level up.
Measles causes Blindness to be longer when applied and can cause Enteritis and Encephalitis, although Encephalitis infection is rare.
Measles can level up with low food level, low Sensed and Body Temperatures and the level can be decreased by potion effects like Cleanse and Immunized.
Long-term Diseases:
Being under the effect of Measles or Crohn's Disease can cause Enteritis.
Under Measles, the progression of the disease is caused by other Temporary Diseases.
Enteritis causes Fever at the start and will progress Fever if it isn't applied.
Food Depletion and Immunity are also affected and Enteritis can randomly add Nausea, Hunger and Poison.
Ignoring this disease is very dangerous and can cause it to deal damage and even kill you.
It also can permanently affect Calorie Loss.
To prevent Enteritis progression or damage you can use Cleanse effect.
To remove Enteritis, you have to be under the effect of Regeneration or consume Golden Apples.
At this moment can be caused only by Measles, and it's very rare.
Causes Fever at the start and will decrease Athletic and Cardio progression.
Brain Damage will also progress because of it.
When Encephalitis is ignored and progress high enough, it can permanently affect Stamina and affect Resting.
Can be removed by eating Golden Apples or by gaining a lot of XP.
Existing in the cold places can extemely decrease your Body Temperature, causing Hypothermia. This can be heavily affected by Cold at level 4.
With Hypothermia, you are chilled, lowering your Sensed Temperature and disabling your Body Temperature from growing.
Hypothermia is a deadly disease, killing you from loss of temperature.
It can be removed while under at least warm Sensed Temperature.
Stomach Ucler:
Negative potion effects like Weakness, Hunger, Poison and Wither or being under high Stress can damage your stomach, causing Stomach Ucler.
This disease affect Food Depletion, can apply Poison, increase Susceptibility to Stress and decrease Immunity.
Immunity will only be decreased if Stress is high.
If not treated well, can permanently affect Poison effect duration and make it appear with higher levels.
It can remove itself, but it's a very slow process so using potion effects like Regeneration and Cleanse is recommended.
You can obtain Cleanse potion effect from Sweet Linseed plant craftings.
If you stay too long in the Sun, you can be affected by Stroke.
High Body and Sensed Temperature affect the effectiveness of Stroke progression.
Because of the effects on your brain, it will progress the Brain Damage and decrease XP.
Staying in the sun or being Out of Stamina can also cause Blindness.
Stress is slightly affected but if not treated, it can be affected a lot. Stamina is heavily decreased.
Low sun exposure, low levels of Stress and low Stamina usage can over time heal Stroke.
Every time you are affected by Stroke, chance of it happening again is increased.
Permanent Diseases:
If the darkness of the night or dangers of the darkness frightens you, you definitely have Nyktophobia.
Staying in the dark, in the night sky or near the Warden causes you to Stress a lot more than normally.
With Nyktophobia you cannot get used to night like you do without this disease, but you can still decrease your fear of the darkness by staying in the darkness or confronting the Warden.
If the slightest hiss or multiple eyes or legs makes you feel like in horror, you probably have Arachnophobia - fear of Spiders.
Being near Spiders or being hit by one of them causes enormous amount of Stress.
You can decrease your fear of the Spiders by fighting them.
If even the thought of the undead scares you to death, every sound of footsteps and every branch breaking reminds you of Zombies, you definitely have Kinemortophobia.
Being near Zombies or being hit by one of them causes enormous amount of Stress.
You can decrease your fear of the undead by fighting them.
When you have a lot of problems trying to sleep, it probably means that you have Sleeplessness.
It will decrease your Resting quality and additionally shorten your Resting time, even causing you to not sleep at all.
Exhaustion is also decreased, depending on Resting quality.
Effectiveness of all of it is fluid, and Sleeplessness can be improved by sleeping well and impacted negatively by low quality Resting.
Crohn's Disease:
Constant irritations of your bowels can mean a dangerous, uncurable disease called Crohn's Disease.
This disease will increase Food Depletion and Calorie Loss, progress Enteritis and decrease Immunity, although effects on Immunity can be negated by Cleanse effect.
With Crohn's Disease your Stamina usage is highly affected, same as Athletic and Cardio progression.
You can decrease it's effects permanently by keeping high level of Hunger Bar or being under Cleanse potion effect.
You can obtain Cleanse effect from Sweet Linseed craftings.
Potion Effects:
Drinking any potion crafted with Teal Lemon Balm or it's extract will cause Tranquility effect.
While under the effect, you stress less and sleep better.
The effect also decreases the duration of Dread.
Pleasant Heat:
Drinking any potion crafted with Spicy Pepper Mint or it's extract will cause Pleasant Heat effect.
While under the effect, your Sensed Temperature will be increased, especially effective while your Body Temperature is low and it also improves Immunity.
Drinking any potion crafted with Sweet Linseed or it's extract will cause Cleanse effect.
Cleanse can remove Poison and Hunger effect from you, also helping curing Measles.
Enteritis is affected by this effect, the damage is no longer dealt and it will not progress.
With this effect, Crohn's Disease has no effect on Immunity and Calorie Loss.
Being under this effect often can permanently decrease effects of Crohn's Disease and Stomach Ucler will heal slowly.
Energy Shot:
Drinking any potion crafted with Bitter Ginseng or it's extract will cause Energy Shot effect.
Under this effect, your Stamina usage will be decreased and the decrease is dependent on your Athletic level and the Panting will also be decreased, so you will regenerate your Stamina faster.
Energy Shot at level 3+ will negate any effects of Exhaustion on Stamina, so it's good when Exhaustion is very high. Also the Exhaustion progression is decreased.
Drinking Gold Onion Mixture will cause Immunized effect.
Immunized increases your Immunity and is the key in curing Measles.
You can obtain Gold Onion Mixtue from Journeyman Farmer.
This effect can be obtained while under high levels of Stress and under Stressful conditions.
Dread stops Stress from decreasing, and it's duration can be decreased by Traquility potion effect.
Out of Stamina:
Having very low Stamina can cause Out of Stamina potion effect.
It counts for how long your actions like attacking, jumping and mining are disabled.
Insight into updates:
Example: X.Y.Z (like 2.0.1)
X.0.0 (X changes)- Theme update - it adds a lot of new things (diseases, new major mechanics, items, plants ect.) that changes the mod entirely. They are made with a certain Theme.
X.Y.0 (Y changes)- Filler update - it works similar to the Theme update, but is definitely smaller and thematically inconsistent (at least they can be). They are made to expand the previous Theme update on a much smaller scale.
X.Y.Z (Z changes)- Performance update - it patches some bugs, balance everything and improves performance without adding anything major (diseases, items ect.), though it can add some hidden mechanics.
Filler updates can contain a Performance update rules in itself, same as Theme update can contain Filler update rules in itself.
This mod is designed to work mostly on its own and shouldn't mess with a lot of mods (but adding mods with Temperature is not recommended).