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The Wings of Alfheim will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Fly in survival with awesome fairy wings!


What it does:

This mod adds nine different types of wings (each with unique and awesome textures) that let you fly in survival mode! This mod also adds a new set of tools, stronger than diamond tools.


Mod Spotlights:

Official Mod Spotlight by FastieTheWolf:


Mod Spotlight by PopularMMOs:

Mod Spotlight by Amaxter:

Italiano Recensione Mod da i Febag:


来自Carter Chiang的mod反馈:


Supported Languages...

  • English (US)
  • French / Français (FR)
  • Dutch / Nederlands (NL) (MAY BE OUT OF DATE)
  • Chinese / 中国 (CN) (MAY BE OUT OF DATE)



  • Email:


Special thanks to...

  • blackrose1303 / Lauren Belyea, for helping plan out the mod and for help with item textures, and the angel sound.
  • FastieTheWolf / Paige Adamczyk, for help with names for the wing types, and ideas in general.
  • Azanor, for the Baubles API.
  • Vazkii and Botania, thank you so much for letting me using bits and pieces of genius code :)
  • ChickenBones, for the Vector3 class.


© John Yorke 2017