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This mod requires TickrateChanger by Guichaguri
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Have you ever wanted to stop time? To Be able to slowdown arrows as if you are in the matrix?
Well now you can.... In Minecraft!
This mod adds a variety of abilities that let you ZA WARUDO your way through Minecraft!
Abilities like freezing, accelerating, and slowing the flow of time.
1.5 has been released! Untested please use 1.45 if unstable
Youtuber reviews:
Join the community (Unete a la communidad:):
- Adds an all in one tool with 3 main abilities
- Stop Time - Allows you to freeze entities, particles, liquids, time of day, redstone and other things from updating
- Slow Time - Allows you to slow down the tick rate of the game creating the perfect slow motion effect.
- Accelerate Time - Allows you to increase the game speed. Can be used to work faster and increases the rate of crops
- Matrix Mode - Allows you to slowdown time and move fast. Go beast mode and blitz everything!
- Decay - A DEADLY new item that ages everything to dust. warning: do not equip this item near your builds.
- Reverser - A powerful new item that allows you to reverse the effects of time
- New clock obtainable in survival.
Upcoming Features:
- Version 1.4+:
- - More balanced survival mode clocks
- -Time manipulating red stone(grow crops faster, prevent ticking etc)
- - Time crystals for crafting recipes
- - new bosses?
- - Time machine??
- - new dimension?
- -new mobs?
How to use:
Install tickrateChanger(required): here
The gold clock can only be accessed through commands or creative mode due to its game breaking abilities.
To get started either type "/give YOURNAME vm:TimeClock" or go into the creative inventory under tools.
Right clicking the tool will stop/start time. Shifting while right-clicking will change the mode of the clock.
The decay item decays blocks and kills mobs around the player. Right clicking with it will add bad effects to a mob.
Time stop can be combined with other modes for interesting effects.
With time reverser hold right click to reverse time. shift-right click to reset the timeline.
Survival Guide(WIP):
The copper survival mode clock is a heavily nerfed version of the creative one.
In survival mode the only way to obtain a time clock is to kill the Ender Dragon. It will drop a copper clock.
The survival clock comes with 20 uses the only way to get more is to kill the dragon again, all uses must be used first.
The survival clock also has a maximum use time of 20 seconds before turning off.
Do not drop a used survival clock unless you want it to break.
Leaving the game or dying will break/set the clocks uses to lowest value.
Decay can be crafted using the recipe above.
Warning: This mod can mass affect flowing liquids in your world so be careful
Things to do:
- Freeze time and shoot a bunch of arrows then unfreeze and watch them fly out everywhere!
- Have a horde of zombies chase you then freeze time and walk behind them. Watch them stop in confusion.
- Freeze a mob then dig a hole under it and watch it fall as soon as you start time.
- Speed up time and watch your crops grow at blazing speeds!
- Freeze an explosion!
- ZA WARUDO the ender dragon. He wont know what hit him
- Slow down time and MLG water bucket off a cliff.
- Surprise your friends!
- Stop time in this mod and cover an Enderman in water
- Create a battle scene by freezing time
- Run around and experiment the possibilities are limitless
Code - by me
Updated clock texture - by crispytwig