Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod including tools and machines to gather resources, process materials, and progress through the mod.
Tech Reborn for Minecraft 1.14+ uses Fabric. A Forge version is not planned going forward.
Tech Reborn for 1.17 requires Fabric Loader, Fabric API. Reborn Core included into TR starting from 1.17.
Tech Reborn for 1.14 - 1.16 requires Fabric Loader, Fabric API and Reborn Core
Join the Team Reborn team discord for support or to chat about the mods:
Join the Fabric discord for to chat about Fabric mods in general:
We recommend Creeperhost for hosting your minecraft (or other game) servers. They have provided you a discount code you can use to get a discount off a VPS server.
Checkout the following video by Rockit14 for a guide to using TechReborn:
- Modmuss50 - Lead Developer
- Drcrazy - Developer
- Gigabit101 - Former Developer
- Prospector - Former Developer & Former Texture Artist
- Yulife - Former Texture Artist
- The Chisel Team - Connected Textures if Chisel is installed
Tech Reborn is a mod for Fabric, and there are no plans to port this mod to Forge.