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Ever wanted a bucket that didn't suck? Ever wanted something that could hold more than 1 fluid at a time? Well look no further because this is the mod for you.
Note: mod was completely rewritten for 1.20.1, some features have changed from 1.16 but the idea remains the same.
Inspired by the /dev/null, this hybrid portable tank/storage can pick up fluids, void overflow, and even pick up nearby fluids automatically when carried in the main hand.
Better fluid placing for less accidental waste
Before: trying to place fluids without overlapping is nearly impossible with a regular bucket
After: a tank on bucket empty mode can place fluids with ease and no waste.
there are 7 tanks with each tier increasing in both size and capacity.
1: 9 tanks of 4000 mB each
2: 18 tanks of 16000 mB each
3: 27 tanks of 64000 mB each
4: 36 tanks of 256000 mB each
5: 45 tanks of 1024000 mB each
6:54 tanks of 4096000 mB each
7: 81 tanks of 247483647 mB each
1.16 and below
1: 3 tanks of 4000 mB each
2: 6 tanks of 16000 mB each
3: 9 tanks of 64000 mB each
4: 12 tanks of 256000 mB each
5: 15 tanks of 1024000 mB each
6:18 tanks of 4096000 mB each
7: 27 tanks of 247483647 mB each
Technical information: Like Dank Storage, the fluid inventories are not stored on the item, but stored on the save file to eliminate the chance of fluid dupe/void bugs.
The tank has 3 modes which are cycled with the cycle mode (default: i) keybind.
Bag: Allows opening the gui like a backpack and manipulating the fluids.
Bucket Fill: For picking up fluids in world, the number of buckets picked up at a time can be adjusted via the gui.
Bucket Empty: Places fluids inworld (if possible) like a regular block, avoids placing inside of an existing fluid block.
Holding alt and right clicking while in the bucket modes will open the gui.
Fluids can be placed or removed from the gui slots using any fluid container such as a bucket.
Alt + click on any slot with a fluid will lock it which is indicated by a red border. Locking a slot will prevent another fluid from taking it's place, even if fully emptied. If a slot is empty but locked, Lock will display over the fluid
Bucket size: This controls how many buckets will be picked up while in bucket fill mode, uses the same calculation as the vanilla sponge.
Sort: This is for sorting the fluid slots, the type of sort can be configured using the tank configs button.
Wrench: This is for configuring more advanced settings
- Sort Mode: Change how fluids are sorted
- Auto Sort: Whether the fluid inventory should sort itself after every inventory change
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