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This mod is no longer maintained.

The source is available on GitHub and available under the GPLv3 terms.


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[Broken Image: CAD97's Mods: Nearly Vanilla!]


Hi guys, I'm a longer-term coder and shorter-term Minecrat modder. I've never been into big mods/modpacks that change the game dramatically and prefer the smaller mods that enhance or expand vanilla Minecraft and keep a sense of the same balance.

The idea of these mods is to do this - by adding a small and Minecraft-y thing to the game to enhance the vanilla experience.


[Broken Image: SPAWNERCRAFT]


SpawnerCraft allows you to have the power and convenience of moving and creating (standard) spawners in survival. By collecting the essence of the mob, you are able to infuse a mob cage with the mob to create a spawner, or to spawn mobs directly. Now, to get villagers into your farm, you just need to murder them, collect their essence, and spawn them in place! To create a pig farm, just hook up a spawner! (Warning: does not edit the functionality of spawners, so mob spawners are subject to the standard rules of mob spawning: conditions must be favorable to mob spawning; i.e. passives have light and grass, aggressive have dark and space.) You can even create a blaze spawner in the overworld so you can finally use that perfect design that requires water.



  1. Make sure you have Forge installed. If you don't, grab the installer here and run it.
  2. Place the .jar from the download into the mods folder that is generated by Forge.
  3. That's it! Launch the game and enjoy!



  • Killing any mob with a Mob Fishing Pole drops 1 Essence of Mob.
  • Four Essence of Mob in a square creates one Agglomeration of Mob.
  • Four Agglomeration of Mob creates one Spirit of Mob.
  • Spirit of Mob acts like a Spawn Mob, right click summons a mob.
  • Mob Spawners when destroyed drop 1 Empty Spawner.
  • Clicking on a Mob Cage with a Spirit of Mob turns it into a Mob Spawner.
  • Works with custom mobs in theory if they have registered a spawn egg.
  • Includes options for allowing Mob Souls of some vanilla mob variants, including Wither Skeletons, Husks, and Strays.

Current release: Spawnercraft 3.3.1 for Minecraft 1.9.4 and 1.10.2

Note: Minecraft versions other than 1.9.4 and 1.10.2 are not supported.

Condensed Changelog:

3.3.1 (1.9.4 & 1.10.2)

  • Support for Minecraft Comes Alive custom Villagers #8
  • Fix Spawner Silk Touch requirement off-by-one #10
  • Remove debug code log spam from 3.3.0 #11

3.2 (1.9.4 & 1.10.2)

  • Fixes the fact that Mob Essence would not drop on servers #4, #5
  • Increases mob spawner drop silk touch configuration granularity #3

3.1 (1.9.4 & 1.10.2)

  • Added safety measures around invalid Mob Souls. Now loading up a world after turning of the Souls of a mob variant, you can't accidentally use it and (a) lose it or (b) break something
  • Updated some things about the in-game mod menu
  • Ironed out the dual-version disorder that the previous build had

3.0 (1.10)

  • Full update to 1.10
  • Updated Mob Spirit items to use the new Spawn Egg NBT structure
  • In fact most of the work is offloaded to vanilla Spawn Eggs now
  • Adds custom Mob Souls for many vanilla mob variants

2.3 (1.8.9)

  • Version for 1.8.9

If you have a problem with this mod or just want to recommend an Enhancement, click on the Issues button near the top of this page to be taken to the GitHub Issues page for this mod where I can easily interact with your request. I do not monitor this page for comments. Please use GitHub instead.


[Broken images are an unfortunate occurrence. Efforts are being made to replace them.]