Space - Extended - Mod will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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************ Mod - Spaceextended - by Norzeteus & The_ BrainStone - MCvers.1.12.1 ********************
This is a mod to extend resourcepack.
This mod was created, because some of my "modified" stairs in the normal resourcepack are not compatible with forge (transparent back- grounds).You should use the "forge compatible resourcepack" (Optifine required!) now together with this mod.
There were added some new blocks and ores and some more "modified stairs" which are based on minecraft stairs. Sometimes you must try them out to get correct connection, place it i.e.from the other side.
There`s also an new armor, a grenade, a flamethrower and a new aggressive mob( killing also some other mobs)and some other stuff which you have to find out.
Due to the fact that I`m new at forge-modding, I searched for an experienced modder who manages this mod and found The_ BrainStone, who will do it. We have the intention to add some
more features in the future.
Have fun and enjoy,
Alphaversion 1.12.1 get it here:
I have build a very large Spaceship, if you are interested, here you can have a look at it (download):
I am always open for suggestions and new ideas, please tell me what kind of blocks I should add to the next modupdate!