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Praise the sun! Support your green thumb by using these new solar panels to power your base. This mod includes five tiers of solar panels that progressively get stronger as you upgrade them. Their stats are all customizable in the config for the mod.


I made this mod to address the lack of a good standalone solar panel mod that has customization on the Fabric modloader. As such, I will not port this mod to Forge as there are already good alternatives.



Solar Casing, Solar Voltaic Cell, and Solar Batteries make up the base components for your new solar panels:

And then here are the recipes for each tier of solar panel


Requires Cloth Config API and Fabric API!

Currently supporting the following Minecraft versions:

  • 1.19.2
  • 1.20
  • 1.20.1




Item textures by Deadeye Dutch and panel textures by Flyte-less




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