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(Warning: 1.19.2 mod version has new mod id, do not load any 1.18.2(or lower) worlds if you had any progress or you will loose everything) 






> SolarCraft is a magic progression-based mod about eight nature elements that formed the world. 

(and solar energy too, but mainly about this eight)

> Has its own guide book - Solar Lexicon, that will guide you through the mod.


> Has its own story.


> Inspired by magnificient mod - Chromaticraft.


> Modloader: Forge (1.20.1 and lower), NeoForge (1.20.4+).


> Supported languages: English and russian (by me), Czech (by zrnek)

Progressing in mod

All items/blocks cannot be obtained and used immediately. They will be unlocked as you progress in mod. 




Solar lexicon will hint you the correct way of exploring the mysterious world you have spawned in.



Recipes and other information can be obtained by decrypting the ancient fragments that lie in dungeon chests. (put decrypted fragments inside lexicon to see their content)


Mod content

Mod adds a lot of content to survival gameplay: From tools and weapons with unqiue abilities to powerful defensive structures and bosses!

(see spoiler for more)

Some Items/Blocks:



Defensive structures:











> Can i use it in modpa...

Yes! (but ask me first plz (if its a curseforge modpack - automatically yes))

> Will you port to fabric?

Most likely no. I am developing mod alone and i dont have that much time to do it.

> Will you downgrade the mod to previous versions?

Most likely no too. I am always updating to the latest versions as soon as they come out.

If you have any other questions you can ask them in mods discord server! It is down here somewhere.

Support Mod Author 


Compatibility with other mods:

1)Illidium, Algadium and Qualadium ingots can be used as metals in Tetra mod (not sure in 1.20.1).

2)You can add enchantments from other mods to elemental enchanter using a json config.

3)You can add your own fragments. (Note that fragments with recipes only support recipe types from my mod) 

5) You can add items to element weaver config so it will be possible to duplicate them there.

Mod showcase (VERY VERY old video, current mod version is FAAAR more better):