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Snow U​nder Trees (Fabric) will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Snow Under Trees (Fabric)

This is a continuation of the abandoned fabric port of Snow Under Trees which hasn't been updated since 1.17

Adds snow under trees in snowy biomes, making the biomes more immersive.


  • enable_biome_feature - Setting this to false will disable snow from generating under trees when new chunks are generated.
  • enable_when_snowing - Setting this to false will disable snow from generating under trees when it is snowing in the world.
  • supported_biomes - Any biomes whose biome IDs are in this list will have generation applied to them.


Snow Under Trees is compatible with:


By using my mods, you agree to the Modpack Distribution Guidelines and the End User License Agreement

This mod has no code from the original mod, and is essentially a complete rewrite at this point, hence why I have chosen to license it under ARR. All versions before 2.2.0 are still MIT, you can view their code on GitHub.