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Smarter Farmers (farmers replant) will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Smarter Farmers

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📖 About 📖

Smarter Farmers is a very simple mod that makes farmers a bit less dumb


You can install this along other mods that alter farmers and this mod logic will always take priority.

Remember to turn on mob giefing. Otherwise farmers won't be able to do anything!

Farmers can now:


  • Interact, plant and replant modded crops

  • Replant crops according to some logic. No longer will they pick the first seed they have but they'll try to replant what they just harvested instead

  • If no crop is being replanted farmers will choose a new crop to plant based on the crops around it. No more lone single patches of carrots n your wheat field!

  • Accept and pick up seeds from said crops & prevent non farmers from doing the same

  • Will equip a hoe while performing their harvest task. Its tier depends on their villager level

  • Will equip the seed they are going to plant when planting.

  • No longer trample farmland

  • Can plant and replant on non non vanilla farmland like blocks, tweaked via a "farmer_plantable_on" tag. By default includes blocks like Supplementaries' planter

  • Can harvest special non crop like blocks, tweaked via a "crop_replaceable" tag. By default includes stuff like Immersive Weathering's weeds and Overweight Farming and Hefty crops big crop blocks

  • Are immune to sweet berry bush damage

  • Task will fail a lot less often and overall feel snappier

  • In addition all villagers will now accept and breed with any (modded) food item you throw at them

    Also comes with builtin Debug Renderers that you can enable in the configs to see exactly what a farmer is thinking.

❤️Support Me❤️


Modding is taking a lot of my time, so if you like what I do, and you would like to support me, you can do so here. If you do, you'll receive a custom Globe and or Statue just for you! This also applies if you purchase a server from Akliz using "supplementaries" code.


Need a server? Check out Akliz, they have top brand servers just for modded minecraft.
They really have a cozy community with great support and the servers wonderfully
Use code "supplementaries" to get 20% off and also support me in the process!


🦉 Our Mods🦉

Haunted HarvestSnowy SpiritStorage LabelsGoatedMysyical Oak TreeCarpeted StairsMmmMmmMmmMmmMoyaiJeedBetter Lily PadsAdvancement FramesRandomium