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Slab Helper [Fabric] will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Slab Helper is based on Latest version of Fabric Loader and Fabric API.

> Since KleeSlabs has a Fabric version in 1.18, this mod will be no longer updated, check out BlayTheNinth's mod here.  

This mod allow you to:

1. Switch the state of a half slab (From BOTTOM to TOP | TOP to BOTTOM)  by using the slab hooker(rigth click). Crafting recipes:

2. Mine ONLY HALF of the full slab block depends on where your hand points at. use the hotkey to switch on/off this function, default is GRAVE(the key above TAB)


The updates of 1.14.4 & 1.15.2 are stopped, unless there are bugs need to fix.

For Chinese player: Please leave your comment on MCBBS page, thank you : P.


 Modpack Info:

You are free to add this mod in modpacks using the download link from curse.



· Optimized running efficiency.
· Adjust code structure and class name.
· Stop updating 1.15.2 and 1.14.4.


· The damage amount of slab hooker now depends on how many slabs changed their states(also effected by unbreaking enchantment)
· Prevent all entities from falling into the slab while player using slab hooker.
· Optimized the animation after half-mine.


· Add different materials for slab hooker with different effective range: wooden, stone, iron, golden, diamond and netherite(1.16 only)
· Block damage animation only show on the mined side.
· Fixed a bug cause a config option doesn't work.
· Removed config option "Hooker Durability"


· Optimize the text appearence in version check & half-mine switcher.
· Fixed a bug cause player fall into the slab block(occurs when the player is standing on the slab which he/she is hooking upwards).
· Code cleanup.


· Fixed a bug cause hotkey dont work on server
· Hotkey is a switcher of half-mine mode instead of keep pressing while mining.
· A in-game version check reminder.


· delete slab pickaxe(now any common tools can half-mine).
· add a hotkey(default: GRAVE) allow player to half-mine.


· Fixed a bug cause duplication of slab.


· Add a config option allow player to use common tools(any pickaxes, axes) to half-mine a full slab block.


· Version check
· Slab Pickaxe: Increase the mining speed of wooden slab. Decrease the mininig speed of normal block.


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