Skye's Bakery - Donuts, Cakes & More! will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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NOTE: I am hoping to update this to newer versions of Minecraft, but for now I am mostly busy with schoolwork among other things and I don't have that much time to update this. I will also probably need to redo much of it, as I feel it needs to be updated in larger scale. I will try to continue/rework it at somepoint, but for now it has been put on freeze. Apologies to all hoping to see this updated. Maybe some day.
If you have a new idea for a bakery item, please share the idea in the comments section. ^_^
It might get included in the mod if the idea is good. You can also make the item and its texture by yourself if you really want.
Fan-made donuts / bakery foods so far and credits:
Ender Donut - idea and texture by: Dark5010
This is my first mod which I created with the assist of a program called Mcreator (Thanks for Pylo for creating such a great program), because I have no coding experience at all.
For recipes and to see what's available, use creative and/or recipe mod. I'm open for any ideas or requests if you want to make a difference.
The mod should work fine without any problems, but if you encounter a problem, even thought I don't have any experience in coding, I can try to help you if you provide me with the crash report and tell me what's wrong.
Additional Credits:
PYLO - for Mcreator program which built this mod's code and made it playable.
edoudou14 - for Venice map where I shot some of the pictures for items on update images. You can download the map here: Venice Map by edoudou14