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There are often times weather is rather elegant to have in Minecraft for ambience, but it is also during those times, it becomes difficult to see. This attempts to address that by incorporating a more particle driven system for rain and snow akin to the Bedrock edition, rather than a flat system seen in Java Minecraft. Try it out! This is not necessarily better, but it has been preferred on Forgecraft!

[Video preview coming soon]

Broadcasters and content creators: This was designed for people like you and me! If you stream on Twitch, you may have noticed whenever it snows, the encoder has a field day trying to keep up! This should alleviate some of that load as the entire screen is no longer being bombarded by visual noise.


Originally part of XyCraft Override, but it wound up being useful enough on its own to separate it out to its own mod.

There are also a few options for customizing the appearance in the configuration file.

You may use Simple Weather in your packs, yes Slowpoke101 this includes FTB 🙃