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REQUIREMENT: Must install Pollymopth Mod to make full use of new recipes;

MineCRAFT. Craft. It's in the name.

So why can you build tables that tap into the Power of the Arcane, and craft yourself a full suit of armor after showing up in the world naked just yesterday, yet for some reason you can grab a few bits of leather and make your a saddle?


It's time Minecraft had more Sensible Vanilla Recipes, and this mod can make that happen!

Now here's a basic list I made for myself while adding as many new ways to craft what used to be uncraftable items in minecraft:

Sensible Vanilla Recipes (Main File)

Saddle from Leather


Crying Obsidian from Ghast Tears with Obsidian


Amethyst Blocks Converted into Crystals and Back Again


Grass Seed and Dirt Block make Grass Block


Wool can be made into string and Back.


String can be made into Webs and Back.


Craftable Horse Armor (All Types)


Deconstructable Leather Armor, in additional to saddle giving back 3 leather too


Beetroot to Seeds


Wheat to Seeds


Name Tags (Made with string and either two paper or two leather)


Books can now be made with wood or bamboo in addition to leather


Podzol can be made by crafting dirt and brown mushrooms together


Mycelium can be made by crafting dirt and red mushrooms together


Magma Blocks can be broken back down via crafting into 4 Magma Creams


Can make Trident in the same formation as a pickaxe, with Prismarine Shards replacing the ore


All Chain mail Armor can now be made by using Chains instead of Iron Ores for crafting the parts.


Leads can now replace the slime ball requirement with leather, imply a strap can be realistically tied around the rope, rather than only being able to stick it together.


As a basic time saver for those not wanting to siff through gravel, you can simply pick flint out of gravel immediately by using the crafting table to do so.


And those who want their gravel back, can freely convert their unwanted flint directly back into gravel at the crafting table at any time too.


Bells can be crafted with a gold ingot above a bottom gold nugget, and three sticks across the top.


In addition, I had a few ideas for some more recipes, some inspired by others, some my own ideas, but I couldn't nessciarly call these 'Sensible' as they are both useful, and at risk of being...a bit broken.

As not to taint the entire batch, I have these ones seperated as an optional file you can use right along the main file listed above, or you can ignore these if you don't like the idea of the. Without further ado;

Less Sensible Vanilla Recipes (Optional Add-On File)


Gunpowder from Gravel and Sand; Mostly Gravel in diagonal X on table.


Crying Obsidian from Amethyst Shard combined with Obsidian


Netherwarts from Netherwart Tree Blocks


Smelting Rotten Flesh in Furnace Produces Leather


END Portal Blocks, so that you can make the END Portal far closer to your home! Made sure you will need to have visited the End already before you can make a new closer portal for your own convenience on your trips back afterwards.

While I can't say how often I'll come back to check on this mod every once and a while, I am curious to hear any other ideas people may have for more niche recipes for a Vanilla Item that I otherwise may not have thought of yet, especially for the Optional File. Please leave a comment on this mod page for me to look at each time I come back to check on this once and a while.