Don't you want more challenge in your minecraft world? Well this mod will help. The Roaming Alphas mod is a mod that adds multiple powerful versions of the mobs we have right now. These mobs are difficult, but not too much of a challenge that it will make you quit the game. This mod is like a more toned down version of the Mutant Creatures/Beasts mod.
There are currently 7 different Alpha mobs and more will be added throughout the mod. Each alpha has their own unique drop which you can use to craft a unique item. They also have a 40% chance to drop their own head as a trophy.
You can suggest your own alphas to try to get some in the game.
This mod is Forge only.
The Alphas
The Alpha mobs will spawn throughout your world, these mobs are kinda rare so you'll need to look for them. They spawn near their Non-Alpha counterpart. If you're having trouble finding an alpha mob of a certain type, you can craft an Alpha Core using a drop from another Alpha, once you right click this on a mob, it'll turn into its Alpha counterpart.
Alpha Zombie:
-The Alpha zombie is a brute, it's attacks do a lot of damage and knock you back pretty far.
-It can summon zombies every once in awhile, it can summon 2 at a time
-It can roar, once it does its roar it will give nearby players poison
-Alpha Flesh: It drops this item, you need three of these to craft a Flesh Converter.
-Flesh Converter: If it's right clicked with rotten flesh, it can be used as a renewable food source.
-Cooked Flesh: This item is a food source, it heals about as much hunger as a steak.
Alpha Skeleton:
-It's a fast runner, it will run and jump at you.
-It can shoot an arrow from it's chest
-It can summon regular skeletons to help it fight
-Alpha Bone: It drops this item, you need three of these to craft a Stringed Sword
-Stringed Sword: This item is a basic sword item, if you right click this item in your main hand you'll shoot an arrow. These arrows won't run out.
Alpha Creeper:
-This Creeper can do melee damage, it can bite you
-Like a regular creeper, it can explode. Before exploding, it will levitate a few blocks high as a waring to the player.
-If it's struck by lightning, it will turn into a Charged Alpha Creeper, it's faster, does more damage, and strikes lightning when it explodes
-Alpha Spike: It drops this item, you need three of these to craft a Creepenade
-Creepenade: This item is a throwable one, if you throw it and it hits a block, it will explode on impact.
Alpha Enderman:
-It's a passive mob when not attacked or stared at, it will only do it's abilities when aggravated.
-It will teleport to the nearest mob every once in awhile
-It will get a speed and strength boost if attacked
Alpha Eye: It drops this item, you need three of these to craft a Abyssal Pearl
Abyssal Pearl: It's an ender pearl with 100 uses, when teleporting with it you won't take damage. You can repair it using 8 eyes of ender.
Alpha Blaze:
-It's a ranged item, it shoots fireballs that set you on fire if you are hit by it.
-Because of it's constantly spinning shields, it's immune to arrows.
-Alpha Blaze Rod: It drops this item, you need three of these to craft a Blazing Pickaxe
-Blazing Pickaxe: This item is an autosmelt pickaxe, it will smelt any block that you mine with it.
Alpha Stray:
-Like it's skeleton counter part, it's a fast mob that will run and jump at you.
-It can use it's cloak to turn itself invisible, it will be faster and stronger when in this state.
-Alpha Cloak Piece: It drops this item, you need three of these to craft a Strayed Hood
-Strayed Hood: Once you wear this item, you'll turn invisible, you'll also have no particles
Planned Alphas:
-Alpha Zombie Piglin
-Alpha Witch
-Alpha Drowned
-Alpha Phantom
You can suggest your own alphas as well to try to get some in-
- Q: Can I use this in my Modpack?
- A: Yes you can, I don't really care if you want to or not
- Q: Will this mod continue getting support?
- A: Yes, this mod will continue getting support for all versions
- Q: Can I upload this anywhere else
- A: Yes you can, just credit me
- Q: Can you add (This Feature)
- A: If I like it, I'll probably add it