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Revolution - Minecraft 1.12.2 Zombie Apocalypse Mod!
Revolution is a mod created for the community who enjoy playing zombie-related games which include weapons, melees, and surviving the zombie apocalypse. We are planning to create multiple official servers for the best online zombie experience where you spawn in a safe zone and it's your duty to go loot the city, towns, and much more to find powerful loot to defend yourself from zombies and other hostile players. You can also team up with your mates by creating a clan and inviting them to it to overcome those hostile players and zombies. This mod currently does not have any online servers as we are still wanting to build up the community first and get in things that the players want into the mod before releasing a multiplayer server.
Official Discord:
Shoutout to Deltric for letting us use his gun mechanics and shoutout to all the other develops who had helped develop this mod at some point!