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With this mod you can convert panda's into resource sneezing goldmines.
By default the mod comes with 9 standard recipes, These can be removed and exchanged for new ones if desired using datapacks.
The jsons contain the following values:
- name - The friendly name for the resource to be displayed in the spawn egg name / JEI info.
- ingredient - The input ingredient used to convert a panda
- hexColor - The hex color the panda's overlay will be. (Has to start with a #)
- alpha - the opacity of the overlay (by default this is 1.0)
- chance - the chance between 0 and 1 that a sneeze will produce an item. (0.6 = 60%)
- result - The item the panda can sneeze out. (If a tag is supplied it will chose the first item from that tag)
For examples check the repo
Info pre 1.1
By default the mod comes with 9 example json files (located within the config/resourcepandas folder). These can be removed and exchanged for new ones if desired.
The jsons contain the following values:
- id - The unique id for the supplied resource panda.
- inputs - An array of items that can be used to convert a panda into the resource variant of the panda. You can also supply tags for example tag:forge:storage_blocks/coal
- output - The item the panda can sneeze out. (If a tag is supplied it will chose the first item from that tag)
- hexColor - The hex color the panda's overlay will be. (Has to start with a #)
- chance - the chance between 0 and 1 that a sneeze will produce an item. (0.6 = 60%)
- alpha - the opacity of the overlay (by default this is 1.0)
Obtaining a resource panda
You obtain a resource panda by feeding it one of the specified input items.
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