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Is a continuation of Skillable by Vazkii.
Reskillable is a mod about leveling various skills up, using XP. Leveling skills up allow you to unlock traits and use more items. By default, a lot of vanilla items are locked to require leveling your skills up. For example, you're not allowed to use a Diamond Pickaxe until you reach level 16 Mining.
Skillable adds 8 skills to level up, each of them with a few traits that you can unlock by leveling up. Traits power up your character, giving them special passive boosts.
Note that reskillable just as skillable alters the following vanilla behaviors:
- Items and blocks can't be used or mined if you don't have the required levels.
- Sheep will not drop wool when killed, to require you to get Shears before you can make a bed.
Also Check Out Our Official Addon: CompatSkills
Which also adds a bunch new Compat and General Content for use with Reskillable.
Check the images tab for what it looks like.
Want to do a mod spotlight?:
That'd be awesome! Send us a link so we can check it out!
Yes, this means you can use it in your modpack, video, let's play, server, etc, don't bother asking!
Just make sure to credit us and the original author(Vazkii) and link back here and we'll get along.
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