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New Version: 1.3e

     Redstone++ is a mod that expands what is possible, while keeping the balance and feel of vanilla Minecraft. All changes can be enabled/disabled in the Config.


     For those who are new to modding Minecraft, or making Mod Packs, or are unsure of how to edit config files, please read here:


Minecraft Compatibility

     Redstone++ ver1.3 supports MC1.12.2 only! It will not run on 1.12.1 or any other version. Redstone++ ver1.2d supports all 1.11.x and 1.12.x versions with the same jar. There is no reason to run any other version. No version will run on any other version of Minecraft, no matter what any of those sites that are illegally distributing this mod or some virus with this mod's name may say. Don't trust them, their lying. Your computer will thank you.


Support for Other Minecraft Versions

     At this point I pretty busy with other things, so I don't really have time to update this right now. It is unlikely I'll ever backport it; however, I will eventually update it, to some future version. It will basically be a jump to, lets say, 1.15 or later. So MC1.13, MC1.14; probably not going to happen. MC1.10 probably not going to happen. MC1.7.10 and older, will never, ever happen, ever. When I do get around to updating to 1.15, Half Honey Blocks will be included.


Mod Compatibility Issues

     This mod makes extensive use of Registry Overriding (Substitution Alias in 1.11.x), and will crash with other mods that override the same blocks. Mods that apply ASM Transformers to said blocks will fail silently. You may need to disable part of this mod or the other to get things to work. This is unavoidable (Yes, there are other ways I could have written it, but you'll get the same kinds of problems, just with different errors). While I have fixed a few conflicts, I can't possibly fix them all.

     Liteloader has serious issues with mods that use Registry Overriding in 1.12.x. Until that is fixed, it is incompatible with all mods that use Registry Overriding, including Redstone++. Seeing as it's been over 2 years since it had an update, I see that as unlikely. There is nothing I can do to fix this; any issues regarding compatibility with Liteloader will be closed. Alternatively, you could roll back to MC1.11.x, as Liteloader has no such issues with Substitution Aliases.

     The ability for Pistons to push TileEnties can cause strange problems or crashes with some blocks. All issues with vanilla blocks have been fixes, but I cannot control issues of blocks added by other mods. If this is the case, you can edit the config of this mod to prevent pistons from pushing those blocks; either by making the immovable, or by allowing pistons to destroy them.

     As requested, ver1.3 added a wildcard character * to the immovable, and destroy lists. So you can now blacklist and entire mod by adding modname:* to the immovable list for example. There is also now an option to disable pistons moving TileEntities entirely (Originally that was the only reason to enable Piston substitution, but now there are quite a few reason for it)

     Redstone++ ver1.3b adds a new config option to specify a list of tags to clear when moving TileEntities. If you have a block, that when moved by pistons, drops duplicated items on the ground you need to add it's "Items" tag to this list. To do this, grab a debug block and place it over that block. The debug block will print it's TileEntity data to the Console. Identify the exact name of the tag which that block is using to store items, and add it to the clearTag list in the config file.



     Do not reupload this mod anywhere except under the following circumstance:

     You have my permission to include Redstone++ in a Mod Pack, provided that you pack includes at least 5 other mods, and you provide a page that:

          1) lists ALL of the mods in your pack,

          2) proves that you have necessary rights to distribute those mods,

          3) provides a link to the home page/forum topic of each of those mods, and

          4) provides proper credit to the authors of those mods.

     Note: If you do use this in a modpack, I ask, but don't require, that you either make an abundantly visible, bold link to this page, or provide a wiki page explaining the changes this mod makes (at least the ones your modpack has enabled). Reason being: The changes made are very subtle, but significant. Players may want to use these features, but not even know there there.

     You may of course make review/tutorial videos of this mod without restrictions.




Rotator    Sticky Rotator  Rotators and Sticky Rotators

  • Can rotate blocks and slime structures. Also works with TileEntities.
  • Right-Click on the block to set the direction of rotation.
  • Rotators can rotate both pistons and others rotators, and pistons can push and pull them.
  • Redstone placed ontop of rotators will not break when they are activated.
  • Note: Does not currently support Entity Collision. This will be added later, at some point.


     Improved Pistons and Sticky Pistons

  • Can now push TileEntities (Chests, Hoppers, Droppers, Dispensers, ect.)
  • Config option to change the Push Limit (Default: 12)
  • Redstone placed ontop of pistons will no longer break when pistons extend/retract.


  Improved Dispensers

  • Can now plant seeds and saplings.
  • Can fill and empty Cauldrons using buckets and bottles.
  • Can wash dye off Leather Armor (Require Cauldron with water in front).
  • Can place and remove items from Item Frames (Think Maps)
  • Can use Sheers (on Sheep, Vines, Cob Webs, ect.)
  • Can Feed Animals (For breeding only; Does not work with Horses, but works for everything else)
  • Can Milk Cows and Mooshrooms. Can also get Mushroom Stew from Mooshrooms.
  • Can Place and Remove Records from Jukeboxes
  • Can Place Cake
  • Can Place valid blocks into empty Minecarts. (Chests, Furnance, Hopper, ect.)
  • Will no longer Place Minecarts onto of Minecarts, causing them to glitch togeather.
  • Can Pickup and Place Sponges/Wet Sponges.
  • Can Place Gravity Affected Blocks. (Sand, Gravel, ect.)


  Improved Crafting Tables

  • Is now a TileEntity, so it will keep items rather then dropping them.
  • Can still be pushed by pistons since pistons can now push TileEntities
  • Items can now be shift-clicked into the Crafting Grid.
  • Works with Hopper and Droppers. This works differently depending on weather or not the Crafting Table is powered.
    • If Unpowered: Hoppers will only insert items into the Crafting Grid on slots that already contain that item and will only pull items from the Results slot
    • If Powered: Hoppers will only insert items into the Crafting Grid on slots that are completely empty and will pull items only from the crafting grid.
    • The above changes make it possible to build automatic crafting tables, and even ones that can change their recipe, but you will have to think a bit about your redstone to get it to work right. Remember: you can now push Hoppers with pistons.


    Improved Minecart with Furnace

  • Are no longer horribly glitched. They can push many carts, and players in carts uphill, can go around corners without stopping, ect.
  • They now have a GUI with one slot for fuel. They can accept any fuel a Furnace could and will have the same burn time. Hold Shift-Click to start/stop it, Right Click normally to open GUI.
  • You can Shift-Click with fuel in hand to fuel and start it without opening the GUI.
  • Now works with Hoppers and Activator Rails. Hopper/Droppers can put fuel into its inventory and a Powered Activator rail will start it as long as theirs fuel. An unpowered activator rail will stop it.
  • A hopper under it can remove items from the fuel slot. Since that slot only accepts fuel, this can be exploited to build a fuel sorter.
  • Will chunk load a 3x3 area when powered; allowing minecarts to travel an unlimited distance (Could also be exploited as a stationary chunk loader).



  Half Slime Blocks

  • Behaves like a Slime Block on one side, and like a normal Block on the other. The remaining 4 side are "sorta" sticky.
  • When pushed by a piston, blocks will stick to the all-slime side, but not the all-stone side. Only Slime Blocks and Half Slime Blocks will stick to the sorta sticky sides.
  • Can be placed in any direction.


   Half Redstone Blocks

  • Works like Redstone Block, except only one side provides power. (The All Redstone side)
  • Can be placed in any direction.


Half Obsidian  Half Obsidian Blocks

  • Like Obsidian, it's Blast Proof and requires a Diamond Pick to mine; however, it can be moved by pistons/rotators from any direction except the all obsidian side.
  • Useful for making Obsidian Piston doors. Can be placed in any direction.


     Obsidian Slabs and Stairs

  • Since Pistons can now push TileEntities, these were add so there are still Immovable Transparent Blocks.


  Compressed Cobblestone

  • Basically a cross between Quark's Sturdy Stone and Extra Util's Compressed Cobblestone
  • Crafted from 9 cobblestone, can be placed in crafting grid to get cobblestone back
  • Can't be pushed or pulled by pistons


   Improved Sea Lanterns

  • Can now be powered off using redstone.


   Improved Signs

  • Can now be edited after placement by right clicking.
  • Shift-Clicking while placing signs will no longer open GUI.
  • Config Option to completely disable opening GUI during placement.


Skull   Improved Skulls

  • Renamed Skulls will keep their name even if placed on the ground.
  • I know this has nothing to do with redstone; but it was really bugging me when I was trying to add custom heads to my server.


   New Creative Commands

  • Enable/Disable
    • Nightfall (Completely Disable Day/Night Cycle until Enabled)
    • Weather (Completely Disable Weather Cycle until Enabled)
    • Mob Spawning (Completely Disable the ability for any mob to spawn until Enabled)
    • All (Shortcut to Disable Nightfall, Weather, and Mob Spawning until enabled.
  • Killall <mobs/players/items/entities> (Shortcut to instantly remove large numbers of entities)


   Debug Block

  • A creative mode only block used to debug problems in other blocks.
  • Whenever it's placed, right clicked, or is given a block update it will print out the registry name, position, block state, and tile entity date of the block beneath it to the console.



     This mod is highly configurable. Everything in can be enabled/disabled. And there are a few other things that can be tweaked. For more info here is the default config file that is generated:

# Configuration file


# crafting_table
# Crafting Table Settings

crafting_table {
    # Allow Crafting Tables to work with Hoppers [default: true]

# dispensers
# Dispenser Setting

dispensers {
    # Allow Dispensers to plant Seeds and Saprolings. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to place Cake. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to fill and empty Cauldrons with buckets and bottles. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to place and remove items from Item Frames. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to place and remove records from Juke Bokes. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to Milk Cows and Mooshrooms [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to Shear Sheep, Mooshrooms, ect. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to Feed Animals(Except Horses) for breeding. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to place and pickup Sponges. [default: true]

    # Allow Dispensers to place compatable blocks into empty minecarts. (Only works for vanella minecarts) [default: true]

    # Fix Vanella Bug allowing Dispensers to glitch multiple minecarts ontop of each other. [default: true]

# mc1_12
# Settings for Minecraft 1.12

mc1_12 {
    # Stops the Compass and Clock from working in the Recipe Book [default: true]

    # Enable the popup messages for Advancements [default: true]

    # Enable the default vanilla recipe book. [default: true]

    # Enable the popup messages for Crafting Recipies [default: false]

    # Enable the narriator [default: false]

    # Enable the popup tutorial messages. [default: false]

    # Unlock all recipes for the default vanilla recipe book. [default: true]

# minecart
# Minecart Settings

minecart {
    # Allow Furnace Minecarts to work with Hoppers/Activator Rails, and go around turns without losing power. [default: true]

    # Crafting normal Tracks will provide 32 Tracks, rather then 16. [default: true]

# misc
# Miscellaneous Settings

misc {
    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: false]

    # Allow Sea Lanterns to be switch off when powered with redstone. [default: true]

    # Enable Obsidian Slabs and Stairs [default: true]

    # Enable Creative mode commands Enable, Disable, and Killall [default: true]

    # Add Command Blocks to CreativeTab.REDSTONE [default: true]

    # Move Slime Blocks to CreativeTabs.REDSTONE [default: true]

    # Enable the creative mode only debugging block. [default: true]

    # Enable Compressed Cobblestone [default: true]

# pistons
# Piston Settings

pistons {
    # Enable Pistin Subsution. WARNING: Disabling this will disable alot of functionallity. Should only be disabled if running with Quark. [default: true]

    # Max number of blocks Pistons & Sticky Pistons can push. [range: 1 ~ 1024, default: 12]

    # List of registry names of blocks Pistons & Sticky Pistons can not push. If you encounter problems with another mod's block, add it to this list. [default: [minecraft:beacon], [minecraft:enchanting_table], [minecraft:ender_chest]]
    S:immovable <

    # List of registry names of blocks Pistons & Sticky Pistons will destroy when pushed. If you encounter problems with another mod's block, add it to this list. [default: ]
    S:destroyable <

    # Allow End Rods to break blocks when being pushed by pistons. Added for compatibility with Quark. [default: false]

    # Enable Half Slime Blocks [default: true]

    # Enable Half Redstone Blocks [default: true]



Current Plans

Planed Features

  • Allow Entities Riding Minecarts to Pass through Neither Portals
  • Allow Enchantment Tables to work with Hoppers
  • Add a Camera Block
  • Rails placed on top of packed ice will allow Minecarts to travel at triple speed; possibly causing the to derail around corners (Exactly like the 1.8 snapshots). Either build your rail carefully or don't place them on packed ice.
  • Add Entity Collision for Rotator Blocks.

Change Log


Patched Water/Lava/cct buckets not working correctly with Dispensers



  • Patched Shift-Click not working in Crafting Tables
  • Patched Quark's Colored Slime Blocks not working if Redstone++ was installed.
  • Quark's Colored Slime Blocks now work with Rotators, and Colored Half Slime Blocks are now available.



  • Fixed wildcard characters not working correctly
  • Added a PushOnly list
  • Fixed Item Duplication with all blocks implementing ISidedInventory (Those that use hoppers; you may still need to add others to the config)


  • Added wildcard characters to Immovable & Destroy Lists
  • Added a ClearTag list to fix issues with item duplication
  • Added Improved Skulls


  • Fixed a Lighting bug, involving Obsidian Slabs & Stairs with smooth lighting disabled


  • Added Rotators and Sticky Rotators.
  • Added Half Obsidian Blocks.
  • Powered Minecarts now act as chunk loaders.
  • Fixed a great many bugs.


  • Fixed a bug causing the recipe book to crash on MC1.12.1
  • Fixed a bug preventing Half Slime Blocks from launching entities when being pushed by pistons
  • Fixed the missing crafting recipes bug introduced in ver1.2c
  • Fixed a bug causing Crafting Tables to "freeze" when chunked are loaded/unloaded in dimensions other then the overworld.


  • Fix compatibility with MC1.12.1


  • Added support for JEI
  • Added Piston rendering for Iron Chests
  • Add several config options for MC1.12's Recipe Books
    • Ability to unlock all recipies
    • Ability to suppress Toast Messages
    • Ability to prevent Compasses and Clock from working unless crafted
    • Ability to disable Recipe Book completely
  • Added Compressed Cobblestone
  • Added Debug Block
  • I *may* have also fixed some bugs...can't remember...probably fixed something.


  • Fixed Pistons not being able to push more than 12 blocks when configured to do so.


Fixed crash with Bookshelf API


Better Support for Quark

Iron Rods now work with Redstone++'s Pistons

Config option for Ender Rods to work as block breaker (Added for Quark, tho Quark is not required)

Quarks extra chests now mechanically work with Redstone++'s Pistons (There are still some minor graphical issues)


  • Implemented Patch Loader; allowing Redstone++ to run on multiple minecraft versions (This allows me to maintain support for multiple Minecraft versions, while keeping things easy)
  • Fixed a few minor bugs.
    • Sign can now be edited; (In older versions there was a bug the prevented them from being changed, that somehow went unnoticed until now).
    • Crafting Tables no longer have flickering items in the results slot on servers.
    • Config Options now take registry names, rather then unlocalized names.
    • Blocks/Items/Entities are now correctly registered under the ModID "redstoneplusplus" rather than "sandro" -- This will cause world corruption: see notice above about upgrading.


Old Change Log [1.12]

ver1.1c BETA-2

  • Add Improved Crafting Tables
  • Note: This version is likely to be buggy. If bugs are encountered either disable Improved Crafting Tables or roll back to ver1.1b BETA-1 and report the issue.

ver1.1b BETA-1

  • Began Updating [1.11.2] ver1.1b to Minecraft 1.12
  • Improved Crafting Tables are missing from this version, but everything else works
  • Tested against Forge; since Forge is still in beta, newer versions may break it.

Old Change Log [1.11.2]



  • Fixed a strange bug preventing Furnace Minecart GUI from displaying in rare cases.
  • Fixed a Vanilla bug preventing Not Furnace Minecarts from pushing Unpowered Furnace Minecarts


  • Fixed crash when running dedicated server
  • Fixed Crafting Recipe for Signs not correctly replaced
  • Since these issues were serious ver1.1 is now archived.


  • Improved Minecart with Furnace
  • Improved Sea Lanterns
  • Improved Signs
  • Added Half Redstone Block
  • Added Creative Commands: Enable, Disable, and Killall
  • Added additional Dispenser Behaviors
  • Improved Crafting Tables now have Shift-Click function


  • Added a config option to disable Piston Substitution at the request of ecutruin; for at least some compatibility with Quark.


  • Improved Pistons, Crafting Tables, and Dispensers
  • Added Half Slime Blocks
  • Added Obsidian Slabs and Stairs