
Pokécube - Revival will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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If you Experience any issues, please try using this mod instead: Pokecube AIO Make sure you DO NOT have any of the mods listed here: AIO Contents As they are contained inside AIO, If you still have problems, join my discord and ask there




Originally made by Manchou, Updated and Heavily modified by Thutmose, This mod adds pokemon to minecraft, in a way which is designed to fit the minecraft environment.  

The pokemobs are minecraft mob styled, and fight in a real-time combat system, with the ability to dynamically change moves, to use advanced tactics such as terrain advantages, as well as some features which allow them to interact with the world itself.  With a slight change of some of the default config options, you can use your pokemon to cut trees, dig holes and more.

See the thread on MCF for more details or join #Pokecube at irc.esper.net

You can also contact me here on Discord. 

For the 1.8,8+ versions, Pokecube Core is required.


Pokecube was Freely inspired by the Nintendo franchise 'Pokémon' and the video games developed by Game Freak.


If you're interested in hosting a server, click the image below!




Pokecube is partnered with BisectHosting!


BisectHosting offers a quick, simple and quality solution. After your purchase, the server is already configured and ready to use. Use the code "Thutmose" to get 25% off your first month as a new client for any of their gaming servers. This mod is recommended to have at least 4GB to run smoothly with 5-10 players.