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Just another ruby mod, built my way with my numbers for armor/weapons and world ore generation. Figured I'd share it with you guys. :P






  • Durability Factor: 40
  • Armor Reduction Points:
    • Boots: 6
    • Leggings: 12
    • Chestplate: 16
    • Helmet: 6
  • Enchantability: 30
  • Toughness: 4


  • Harvest Level: 5
  • Durability: 2038
  • Efficiency: 12
  • Entity Damage: 6
  • Enchantability: 30


  • Ruby Ore:
    • Hardness: 20
    • Resistance: 30
    • Harvest Level: 3
    • Smelting XP Bonus: 1.5x
  • Ruby Block:
    • Hardness: 30
    • Resistance: 50
    • Harvest Level: 5
  • Ruby Stairs:
    • Hardness: 10
    • Resistance: 50
  • Ruby Ore Stairs:
    • Hardness: 20
    • Resistance: 30

World Generation:

  • Max Vein Size: 6
  • Lower Y: 0
  • Upper Y: 10
  • Max Tries: 1


All things have recipes and matching recipe unlock advancements. The recipes are similar to vanilla counterparts.


By the way, the ruby ores will glow in the dark (but not emit light):



Starting with b13 the ore generation is configurable. There are 4 options for this:


Ore Chance: How many times (per chunk) to attempt at generating ruby ores. This is NOT guaranteed to produce this many ores (most attempts will fail). Default value is 1, making them rather rare.


Ore Vein Size: How many ores should be grouped on a successful attempt. This number is rather touchy. I haven't seen any ores generated below 3 or above 10. Default value is 6.


Ore Y Min: The minimum Y coordinate in the world ruby ores are allowed to generate.


Ore Y Max: The maximum Y coordinate in the world ruby ores are allowed to generate.


To completely disable ruby ore generation set "chance" or "vein size" (or both) to 0.


Soft Dependencies:

There is a soft dependency (that means optional) on my Pl3xStairs mod to fully activate the stairs in this mod. If Pl3xStairs is not installed then the mod will work just fine, it just wont have the two stair blocks.


Other useful mods:


The future:

Bow, slabs, and other ruby things planned for future updates, so keep an eye out. Suggestions and ideas are appreciated.


Can't believe this needs to be said, but... Pl3x is not affiliated with or endorsed by Ruby in any way. The Ruby logo is Copyright © 2006, Yukihiro Matsumoto under the CC BY-SA 2.5.