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Version 5.1 Available

Changelog: Link Here


Phantom Fuel!

Phantom Fuel made by Phantom Fuel Rods and other Ingredients Creates Fuel that takes 75 times longer to burnout than regular Coal.

Recipe Ingredients:

4 Phantom Memory Modules, 2 Golden Nuggets, 2 Iron Ingots, 1 Phantom Fuel Rod.


Phantom Fuel Rod!:

Phantom Fuel Rod is a Core Recipe for Phantom Fuel.

Recipe Ingredients:

4 Phantom Memory Modules, 1 Golden Ingot, 1 Iron Ingot, 2 Stone Blocks, 1 Coal


Phantom Memory!:

Phantom Memory Modules are the Core Ingredient for all Crafting Recipes.

How to Craft:

Smelt a Phantom Membrane into a Furnace (Specifically a Blast Furnace) to make Phantom Memory.


Full Page Of Items, Item Details, & Crafting Ingredients: Link Here


The Phantom Ark Uprises till Dawn of the Next Generation of Time.