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Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core

ALL NEW TEXTURES AS OF pamhc2foodcore-1.20-1.0.3

Welcome to the brand new HarvestCraft for 1.14.4 and beyond!  Please read carefully as this is NOT a update of Pam's HarvestCraft but a re-boot.  Pam's HarvestCraft 2 will come in four mods.  This is the first mod.  This mod allows you to create 120+ new foods (1.20 has 180+!!) for Minecraft using vanilla Minecraft ingredients. There are a few generic recipes at the bottom that will work with any fruit or vegetable in any correctly tagged mod.

This mod can be used BY ITSELF or WITH:

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended

Excellent overview by Boodlyneck

TOOLS - All recipes require tools to be created.  See the attached pics for recipes.  In 1.18.2 tools now use different materials (copper ingots, andesite, and terracotta)
- Bakeware
- Cutting Board
- Juicer
- Grinder
- Mixing Bowl
- Pot
- Roller
- Sauce Pan
- Skillet



I give permission to use the above described mod in modpacks that do not cost money (donations, Patreon, etc is fine) so long as you credit Pamela Collins (MatrexsVigil, PamHarvestCraft) and Rhodox of the Painterly Pack somewhere in your modpack's description and/or list of mods.  I give permission to modify the above described mod through add-ons, JSON files, or config changes so long as you inform your players of the changes and notify them that these are your changes and not mine.

I do NOT give permission to anyone under any circumstance to distribute, de-compile for non-educational purposes, sell for any currency of any kind, only allow access via payment (donations, Patreon are fine), re-name, be on a server that costs money to play on (donations, Patreon are fine), re-upload/re-distribute 'dead' versions, use textures from, or grossly modify the above described mod for any reason ever unless you get written and dated permission from me.

I would appreciate that any modpack creators and/or server administrators that greatly benefit from having my mod in their pack/on their server donate to my Patreon, but I am not requiring this.

Thank you for abiding by this license.  Feel free to contact me via the above contact information if you need to ask questions or raise concerns.

All rights reserved - None of my artwork is available to be used for FREE in your game EVER. If you want to HIRE ME, please contact me. Thank you. 



Pam's HarvestCraft: Food Core 

Enjoy a near identical version of my Pam's HarvestCraft: Food Core on a Minecraft Bedrock Marketplace map with a fully themed village and farm starting area for survival.  Enjoy all 9 tools, 120+ foods using vanilla Minecraft crops including Epic Bacon!


Pam's HarvestCraft: Winter Farm Map

The second installment of the Minecraft mod-inspired map series is finally here! Play with brand-new winter-inspired crops, craftable items and interactive NPCs!

- Farm winter crops such as sweet potatoes and more!
- NEW: Hunt down wild beehives and use them to farm cool loot!
- Grade your crops using the brand-new grading machine


Pam's HarvestCraft: Summer Farm map 

is now available for purchase on the Minecraft Marketplace!  Enjoy vanilla Minecraft food and crops retextured to HarvestCraft items along with being able to explore a very well crafted and beautiful survival map based on Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley!  Meet villagers, ship crops in a shipping bin for emeralds, and discover fun secrets!  And then do everything Minecraft normal allows you to do!  <3