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Credits: Z_Doctor; Mod Spotlights are welcomed.


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Adds 5 seeds to the game from which you can grow Diamonds, Emeralds, Gold, Iron and Strawberries. 


Newest Features:

  • Now updated to 1.12.1
  • Changed name to M'Ore Seeds (need to update logos)

Feature Overview:

  • Diamond, Emerald, Gold and Iron Plants have growing conditions that need to be met before they can be placed.
  • Diamonds grow on coal blocks.
  • Emeralds, Gold and Iron grow on Netherrack and only in the nether (by default can be changed in config).
  • All Ore crops cannot grow in peaceful by default (can be changed in config).
  • All ore crops need at least one uncovered lava source there soil. 
  • New seeds can be dropped by default, can be disabled and drop chance can be changed in config
  • Strawberries Seeds are found in grass, and when grown produce 4 berries that have a chance to give speed.

Plants added:

- Diamond Plant (Grows Diamonds)

Seeds grow on coal blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each coal block. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Diamond and 1 Diamond seed with a 10% chance of dropping another seed (can be changed in config).


Working with lava is dangerous. Make sure to keep all flammables stored safely. Note: Coal blocks are flammable. :)

Diamond Plant


- Emerald Plant (Grows Emeralds)

Seeds grow on Nertherrack blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each Netherrack. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Emerald and 1 Emerald seed with a 15% chance of dropping another seed (can be changed in the config menu).



Working with lava is dangerous. Make sure to keep all flammables stored safely.

Emerald Plant


- Iron Plant (Grows Iron)

Seeds grow on Nertherrack blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each Netherrack. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Iron and 1 Iron seed with a 50% chance of dropping another seed (can be changed in the config menu).



Working with lava is dangerous. Make sure to keep all flammables stored safely.

Iron Plant


- Gold Plant (Grows Gold)

Seeds grow on Nertherrack blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each Netherrack. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Gold Ingot and 1 Gold seed with a 40% chance of dropping another seed and a Gold Nugget (can be changed in the config menu).



Working with lava is dangerous. Make sure to keep all flammables stored safely.

Gold Plant



So maybe plants that grow high value materials isn't for you. Well here's a sneak peak of another mod I am working on that adds more food into the game.


Strawberry Crop:

Drops 4 Strawberries. Food values balance based on apple and watermelon. Gives 1 heart (of health) and 0.3F saturation. Gives a little and need to use 1 for 1 seed (grows 4 Strawberries). To give them a little more worth, their is approximately ~25% chance that they will give you a speed boost for 5 seconds.

Strawberry CropBy far, my most favorite texture I made.


Seeds and how to get them:


Diamond Seeds

Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Diamond blocks. Expensive, but well worth it.

Diamond Seed Recipe


Emerald Seeds

Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Emerald blocks. Sure to crash a village economy.

Emerald Seed Recipe


Iron Seeds

Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Iron blocks. Never mine for Iron again!

Iron Seed Recipe


Gold Seeds

Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Blocks of Gold. I can' believe it's not budder!

Gold Seed Recipe



Strawberry Seed

A Strawberry seed is crafted from a Strawberry (shapeless). Strawberries themselves can be found by breaking grass.



You are allowed to add this mod into any mod pack, given that you credit the mod to me and leave a link to this page. It would be nice for you to tell me and I will add your mod pack to this page.

You are free to modify this mod for personal use. However you cannot publish it as your own (you can add to this mod).

All Links to this page and the forum page must be direct.


Mod Packs:

None. Be the first!


Known Bugs:

None thus far. I am very paranoid that a mod I release will not work (even if I just change a texture), so I test very heavily. But who knows, I am only human (for now).

Be sure to use the latest version.