- Mods
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Now super small mod size!
Minor Update!
- Dancing fire Particles near regular torches that could appear sometimes have been fixed.
- Fix Assets not downloading when using a java version that is too old (the default java version 1.8.0_51 in the minecraft launcher is too old)
- Efrine Blocks use the new Copper Block sound
- All Blocks made from Nether Wood have updated sounds
- Nether Wood Buttons and Pressure Plates have a new activation sound, this can be turned off in the Main Configuration file
- Setting spawn with the Respawn Anchor now plays a sound
- Nether Wood Doors, Gates and Trapdoors have new activation sounds
- Crystals, Clusters and Crystal Lamps play a sound when hit with a projectile like Arrows or Snowballs
- Added Option to disable new activation sounds for Buttons and Pressure Plates in the Main Configuration File
There are Blocks that are not fully implemented and may come in a future update in some way
Very important Note about the Respawn Anchor
- The Anchor only works in the Nether
- Don't break the Anchor without setting a new Spawnpoint in the Nether first or you could get stuck if you die. If that happens you can disable respawning in the Nether
You will only respawn if you die in the Nether.
The Spawnpoint does not get Overridden if you set a new Spawnpoint in the Overworld.
You do not need to charge the Anchor
Animals and Neutral Creatures
The Strider:
The Strider is different from the 1.16 Version. It is tamed like a horse or with Fungal Treats, follows you if you hold fungi, it does not walk on Lava on it's own, but you can ride it on Lava just fine.
You can breed tamed Striders with Fungi. You can equip them with horse armor, but they won't show a texture for it.
Spawn Biomes: Almost all Nether Biomes
Dropps: 0-5 String and 1-3 Strider Flank(Meat)
The Hoglin:
The Hoglin is different from the 1.16 Version. It can be tamed with Fungal treats so it won't attack you. You can breed them with fungi. Turns into a Zoglin when hit by lightning and if you are not in peaceful.
Leaves you alone in peaceful mode. Hold Fungi or Fungal Treats so they follow you.
Spawn Biomes: Crimson Forest, Warped Forest, Foxfire Swamp
Dropps: 1-3 Pork and 0-2 Leather
The Piglin:
The Piglin is your "friendly" neighbour in the nether. When attacking they can switch between a golden sword and a bow.
If they are on fire they will use a Fire resist Potion
They can heal themself once every fight
You can trade with them like Villagers, but only if they don't want to attack anything.
They are hunting Monsters and Hoglins
They will attack you if you don't wear at least one piece of gold armor (Can be turned off in Config)
Spawn Biomes: All Biomes except Soul Sand Valley
Special: They can be traded with, they have better combat AI
Dropps: nothing
The Zoglin:
The Zoglin is different from the 1.16 Version. It can be healed and be turned into a untamed Hoglin with a splash potion of weaknes and a golden carrot.
Can be set to allow them spawning as Thaumcraft Champions. Default = true
Spawn Biomes: Almost all Nether Biomes. Not in: Fungi Biomes, Soul Sand Valley, Ruptured Chasm
Dropps: Rotten Flesh
The Blaze Knight:
The Blaze Knight is a heavy armored Blaze. It acts almost the same as every other Blaze, but is harder to defeat due to it having a high resistance to damage and being resistent to knockback.
Can be set to allow them spawning as Thaumcraft Champions. Default = true
Spawn Biomes: Nether Fortress
Dropps: Blaze Rod, Shield Scrap
The Skull:
The Skull is just a Skeleton Skull jumping around. It often spawns in small groups. It has a chance to spawn as a withered version in the nether.Spawn Biomes: Nether Fortress, Soul Sand Valley
Dropps: Bonemeal
Rare Drop: Very rarely it will dropp a Skull depending on type. (Same rarity as Wither Skeletons dropping their skull)
The Crimson Spore Ray:
The Crimson Spore Ray is a hostile flying Creature. It will fly around and if it sees you it will slowly fly in your direction. You can easily hide from them behind or under huge Fungi. And they will lose interest in you after they can't get to you for some time. They can't see you from far away
Spawn Biomes: Crimson Forest
Dropps: 2-4 Spore Membranes
The Warped Spore Ray:
The Warped Spore Ray is a hostile flying Creature. It will fly around and if it sees you it will slowly fly in your direction. You can easily hide from them behind or under huge Fungi. And they will lose interest in you after they can't get to you for some time. They can't see you from far away
Spawn Biomes: Warped Forest
Dropps: 2-4 Spore Membranes
The Foxfire Spore Ray:
The Foxfire Spore Ray is a hostile flying Creature. It will fly around and if it sees you it will slowly fly in your direction. You can easily hide from them behind or under huge Fungi. And they will lose interest in you after they can't get to you for some time. They can't see you from far away
Spawn Biomes: Foxfire Swamp
Dropps: 2-4 Spore Membranes
The Zombified Piglin:
The Zombified Piglin is the Zombie version of your "friendly" neighbour in the nether the Piglin. When attacking they can switch between a golden sword and a bow
Spawn Biomes: All Biomes except Soul Sand Valley
Special: They can be healed the same way as a Zombie Villager
Dropps: Rotten Flesh, Gold Nuggets
Rare Drop: Gold Ingot
All Ambient Creatures will automaticly despawn after around 3 minutes after they spawned
The Ember:
The Ember is a small Fire Elemental that spawns small Paricles around it, it will not attack you, but can set you on Fire if you touch it. This Effect can be disabled
Spawn Biomes: All Biomes that do not have a custom Fire
Dropps: Nothing
The Smolder:
The Smolder is a small Fire Elemental that spawns small Paricles around it, it will not attack you, but can damage you if you touch it. This Effect can be disabled
Spawn Biomes: Basalt Deltas
Dropps: Nothing
The Ashling:
The Ashling is a small Fire Elemental that spawns small Paricles around it, it will not attack you, but can give you blindness if you touch it. This Effect can be disabled
Spawn Biomes: Basalt Deltas
Dropps: Nothing
The Soul Ember:
The Soul Ember is a small Fire Elemental that spawns small Paricles around it, it will not attack you, but can set you on Fire if you touch it. This Effect can be disabled
Spawn Biomes: Soul Sand Valley
Dropps: Nothing
The Foxfire Ember:
The Foxfire Ember is a small Fire Elemental that spawns small Paricles around it, it is completly harmless
Spawn Biomes: Foxfire Swamp
Dropps: Nothing
The Shadow Ember:
The Shadow Ember is a small Fire Elemental that spawns small Paricles around it, it will not attack you, but can blind you if you touch it. This Effect can be disabled
Spawn Biomes: Abyssal Shadowland
Dropps: Nothing
The Crimson Spore:
The Crimson Spore is a small flying Creature that spawns small Paricles around it, it is completly harmless
Spawn Biomes: Crimson Forest
Dropps: Nothing
The Warped Spore:
The Warped Spore is a small flying Creature that spawns small Paricles around it, it is completly harmless
Spawn Biomes: Warped Forest
Dropps: Nothing
The Foxfire Spore:
The Foxfire Spore is a small flying Creature that spawns small Paricles around it, it is completly harmless
Spawn Biomes: Foxfire Swamp
Dropps: Nothing
Netherlicious Biomes
The Foxfire Swamp:
Can generate without Lava Lake depending on Config
The Crystalline Crag:
The Abyssal Shadowland:
Generates without Netherrack or Lava
The Ruptured Chasm
Backported Nether Biomes:
The Warped Forest:
The Crimson Forest:
The Basalt Deltas:
The Soul Sand Valley:
Natura Compability Biomes
The Tainted Shroom Cave:
The Burning Desert:
Some Worldgen Features
Biome specific ceilings. Work with BoP Biomes too
Bigger Nether
You can enable the option to get a Nether that is over 250 blocks high
Ravines can be disabled in the Config
Some Block Mechanics
- You can use Bonemeal on Nylium to spawn some Biome specific Plants on it.
- You can use Bonemeal on Netherrack next to Nylium to spread Nylium on the Netherrack.
- Bonemeal on a Fungus will spawn a huge version when there is enough space and the Fungus is on the right Nylium Block
Climbable Blocks:
- The Warped and Twisting Vines are Climbable while holding the jump key.
- Chains are climbable like ladders
- Soulfire hurts more than normal fire
- Fire on Soul Soil will change to Soul Fire after some time.
- Undead Creatures or Fire Immune Creatures will not burn
- Foxfire only hurts Creatures that are immune to fire
- Shadowfire hurts everything that is not undead with withered damage
- will not set you on fire
- gives you blindnes
Log stripping
Right clicking a Fungi Log with an axe will remove the Bark texture.
Lanterns and Torches
- Lanterns and Torches can be set to burn out
- Chains can be powered by Redstone to turn on/off Redstone Lanterns
- Not all Lanterns are in the picture below
Blackstone and Basalt generators.
- If Lava flows into Spectral Dew it will create Blackstone
- If Lava flows into the Spectral Dew Source it will create Basalt
Spore Cushions
- Spore Cushions will negate all fall damage if you land on them
Nether Beacon
- The Nether Beacon is like a regular Beacon, but works in the Nether.
- It has an increased range that it applies effects if used in the nether
- It uses the same Blocks that can be used to build a beacon pyramid
- The Beam can be colored with Glass Blocks
The Crops:
- All Crops can be found in the Nether. You have the Option to disable the spawns and to get Seeds from breaking Nether Grasses like Sprouts.
List of Items that Piglin can sell to you
1-3 Gold Ingots for 1 Water Bottle
6-11 Gold Ingots for 1 Fire Resist Potion
6-12 Gold Ingots for 1 XP Bottle
5-7 Gold Ingot for 2-6 Wart
5-10 Gold Nugget for 3-10 Mushroom or Fungus
9-18 Gold Nugget for 1-3 Wither Rose
9-18 Gold Nugget for 1-4 Nether Flower
5-15 Gold Nugget for 3-5 Infernal Reed
5-15 Gold Nugget for 3-5 Nether Crop Seed
7-14 Gold Ingot for 2-4 Ender Pearl
1-3 Gold Ingot for 3-9 String
2-3 Gold Ingot for 1 Fire Charge
3-5 Gold Nugget for 2-4 Leather
5-8 Gold Nugget for 6-12 Arrow
1-3 Gold Ingot for 1-4 Bone
9-11 Gold Ingot for 1-3 Ghast Tear
4-8 Gold Ingot for 1-2 Blaze Rod
4-8 Gold Ingot for 1-2 Magma Cream
1-2 Gold Blocks for 1 Regular Skeleton Skull
6-12 Gold Ingot for 1-3 Shield Scrap
6-12 Gold Ingot for 4-6 Spore Membrane
1-2 Gold Ingot for 2-5 Pork
1-2 Gold Ingot for 2-5 Strider Flank
2-3 Gold Ingot for 10-36 Iron Nugget
2-3 Gold Ingot for 10-36 Efrine Nugget
2-3 Gold Ingot for 5-12 Quartz
5-12 Gold Nugget for 3-5 Foxfire Powder
2-4 Gold Ingot for 5-11 Glowstone or Gloomstone Dust
2-3 Gold Ingot for 3-6 Crystal Shard
2-3 Gold Ingot for 1-4 Obsidian or Crying Obsidian
1-2 Gold Ingot for 2-8 Soul Sand
1-2 Gold Ingot for 2-8 Soul Soil
1-2 Gold Ingot for 8-16 Netherrack
1-2 Gold Ingot for 8-16 Gravel or Dark Gravel
1-2 Gold Ingot for 8-16 Blackstone
1-2 Gold Ingot for 8-16 Basalt
1-3 Gold Ingot for 1 Nylium
1-2 Gold Ingot for 1 Moss Block
Supported Mods:
Biomes O' Plenty:
- Biomes generate in the Nether.
- Bone Spikes can generate in Soul Sand Valley if config option is turned to true
- 2 New Biomes are created for Natura.
- Every Block, Item and Mob has Aspects asigned to them, to scan with the Thaumometer
- Many Blocks have Chisel Entries
- Bone Blocks can generate
- Bone Blocks can generate
Special Thanks
Multiple Textures: DariusDarkBum
Foxfire Powder: Mudresistor
Russian: Mudresistor
Traditional and Simple Chinese: dxxueer
French: HRudyPlayZ
Ambient Sound and Music: Roadhog360
Recommended Mods to Enhance Nether Experience
- curseforge.Campfire-Backport
Different Worldgen Mods
General Environment Enhancement
Q: Can I use this mod in my Modpack?
A: Yeah go for it, Modpacks are great.
Q: Can you Port this Mod to Version.....?
A: Nope not going to happen.
Q: Why do the files get so much bigger?
A: Sounds and music take lots of space.
Q: Why don't my resource pack override Nether Textures?
A: I change the direction of the resource path if the option for textures is on, so either disable them with the config or make a new resource pack using the netherlicious path.
That's the only way I can change the texture with code.
If you want to get all news for this and my other mods, and want to see wip and mod progress visit my Twitter: