myBiomes (Make your own biomes + Disable the defaults) will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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The myBiomes Mod
Have you ever wanted to take out some of the biomes that you just can't stand or add some new ones that Notch simply refuses to add no mater how much you tweet him? Well fear no more, for now you can! The myBiomes mod can not only do all of those things but is also extremely compatible! Have fun!
Requires Forge API.
To use, just place the jar in your mods folder and then select "myBiomes" as the world type during world creation.
Um das zu nutzen, stelle einfach die jar Datei in deinem Modsordner und dann wähle "meineBiome" als Welttyp während der Weltschöpfung aus.
Yo mod reviewers. I need a new video so if you make one I might feature it here! Please review me!
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