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What is this mod?

More Health is a complete overhaul of the health system. You can gain more health (hearts) with heart containers crafted from 4 heart pieces (found in most chests and dropped by bosses!!) and/or gain health through levels (exp). You can completely customize your starting hearts (set it at 3 for Zelda nostalgia!) and max hearts (caps at 30 hearts!). In addition, you can customize the level ramp, which included the levels you earn hearts at. Finally, you can choose to turn the heart items mode and RPG mode on or off.

+HARDCORE MODE! On death, lose all your heart progress and reset to starting health!
+some mods may have heart container patches (i remember tales of kingdom)
+Blacksmith chest, mineshaft shaft chest, and Stronghold chests have Heart items!
+Jungle/Desert Temple Chests have Heart Item loot!
More info here:
More Health Enhanced
SSP Installation:

1. Install Forge API Installer
Right click on the installer.jar, and go to open with-> java. Click on Install Client and choose where to download it to. This creates a .jar to use with the new minecraft launcher.
Open the Minecraft launcher and either edit a profile or make a new one. The important part is to change the "Use version:" option to the forge .jar. This is named something like release version-Forge version
Example: release 1.6.2- Forge

Now, for my mod:

1. Drop the zipped file into the mods folder. (%appdata%\.minecraft\mods)

2. Run minecraft, enjoy! Posted Image

SMP Installation:

Be sure to install forge!

1. Get the minecraft_server jar from Create a new folder and put this jar into it. This will be your server folder.

2. Drag the zipped file into the "mods" folder found where you set up your server.

3. Config folder: you can open this folder to find the config file, which you can change as you wish. It will determine all the settings for the entire server. Everyone will be playing on the same rules (aka no cheating) enforced by the server config. The individual player's config gets overridden when on the server.

4. Drag the config folder into your newly created folder. Thus, when the server starts, it right away has the changed options (most importantly the multiplier config - it only affects newly generated areas, so if you start the server without dragging the config file, the starting generated area will probably have limited heart containers/items which is not good for server!)

5. Start the server, enjoy :)