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This is an Add-on & Dependent to SetyCz - Chickens Mod it expands on his mod to include support for modded Minecraft.
It is a good idea to delete your old config files when you update (As long as you have not edited the configs your self). This Mod has had a few changes and old config settings could cause issues.
Mod Support Adds New Chickens For:
- Tinkers Construct
- Ardite
- Cobalt
- Manyullyn
- Pig Iron
- Knight slime
- Coagulated Blood
- Purple, Magma, Blue Slime
- Draconic Evolution mod
- Draconium
- Awaken Draconium
- Botania
- ManaSteel
- TerraSteel
- Elementium
- Base Materials(Ore Dictionary, works with other mods)
- Copper
- Brass
- Cupronickel
- Electrum
- Invar
- Bronze
- Lead
- Nickel
- Platinum
- Silver
- Tin
- Zinc
- Steel
- Silicon
- Aluminium
- Sulfur
- Saltpeter
- Mekanism
- Osmium
- More to come
- Immersive Engineering
- Uranium
- Constantan
- Extreme Reactors
- Yellorium
- Cyanite
- Blutonium
- Graphite
Ludicrite(Not yet)
- Ender IO
- Electrical Steel
- Energetic Alloy
- Vibarant Alloy
- Redstone Alloy
- Conductive Iron
- Pulsating Iron
- Dark Steel
- Soularium
- Thermal Foundation
- Basalz Rod
- Blitz Rod
- Blizz Rod
- Cinnabar
- Enderium
- Iridium
- Lumium
- Mithril
- Signalum
- Rich Slag
- Slag
- More Chickens
- XP Chicken
- Prismarine Shard
- Prismarine Crystal
- Soul Sand Chicken (Spawn in Nether)
- Obsidian Chicken
Some known issues with this is sometimes certain parent types just wont work. So when you edit configs just know that sometimes the parent combination may not work. The chickens in JEI wont have a parent type and the Chickens will display as a tier 1 in waila.
Adds in 59 new chickens all preset with parents for breeding.
I will be adding in a lot more base metals like tin, copper ect.. ect. << ADDED ALREADY 1.0.6v
Please enjoy.
I will also be adding in new chickens based on just vanilla. If you have ideas post them here in the post.
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